Blog your way to the top of Google and dominate your niche
Businesses will swear blindly that blogging is helping them attract customers.
They have been able to write informative articles which their customer base has found useful and in turn, are attracting a loyal client base that keeps on coming back to the website for a good read.
Blogging works.
It’s as simple as that and if you are a business that relies on its website for lead generation and sales, then blogging should be a key component of your marketing mix. If you do not have a blog on your website, get one and do it fast. If you have a blog that’s been lying dormant for months or worse never been used, then you should start posting as soon a possible.
Having a blog on your website is such a great marketing tool. It instantly connects you with your audience and if you blog often enough you will by the very nature of blogging start to dominate your niche.
Related article: 14 Tips for Writing Killer Blogs for your Business
Having said that, what are the next steps and what are the advantages of blogging for your business?
Provide readers with current information
If you are able to provide your readers with current, topical information they will keep on coming back to your site for more juicy bits of relevant news. It’s a way of neatly establishing your website as a ‘go to’ resource for information they need. Relevance is the key so make sure your articles are up to date and on topic. Over time as you gain confidence writing and you begin to get more inquires from your site, you will become more of an authoritative in your field. People, customers and clients will reference your site and your customer base should grow organically. This is the power of blogging and this is the main reason you should be actively doing this weekly.
Blogs are great traffic generators
If you want to bring in new business then SEO and Google are a great way to get to the top of the rankings. But, Blogs also have their place as they are able to rank organically without any SEO. Sure you might not be targeting really competitive keywords, but if you blog enough you will start to see traffic and sales inquiries increase. Blogs mean that you do not have to rely purely on SEO.
Blog adds personality
People want that bit extra. Before they buy or engage with you they may read what you have to say on your blog. If it is written with a bit of personality or flair then the chances of it engaging the audience are far greater. In the online world, you must have a point of difference. You need to set yourself apart, offer something different and a blog is a perfect platform that allows you to express your opinions, views or thoughts. The more colour and life you can add to your blog, the more it will resonate with the reader and this is the ideal situation. Glam it up, add some spice, have strong opinions and watch your engagement peak.
Promote yourself as a serious market leader?
Your business blog is a great platform to sell yourself even further. If for example, you have a legal practice and you blog about an area of law you specialise in. Why not finish the blog off with a paragraph on why your business is the best in this area of law and why the reader should use you. Obviously, you do not want to do this for very blog. But try to find some space within your article where you can give your company a bit of a plug.
For those that have never written a blog before here are some pointers to get you started in the right direction.
- Write for your audience? There is no point in being too clinical with your blogs if it’s just going to bore the pants off your readers. You want them to be engaged, excited and interested in what they are reading. Also Read:
- Keep the tone friendly and keep it in line with your brand. Your tone or style shouldn’t be aimed at the younger market if you have a conservative audience base.
- Make your headline attention-grabbing. This is what people are going to read and this is what will draw their attention. Catchy titles will get their eye.
- – Have fun and don’t treat it as a chore or else you won’t be able to sustain the process. Remember it’s your business so everything your write will be beneficial to you if it gets more business. If you have fun and make the writing process enjoyable you will see the benefits.
- Don’t repeat the same titles of your blogs in the hope that they will help with your main keywords getting on page 1 of Google. Far too many businesses will blog about their main service in an attempt to further enhance their rankings. This is spammy and will work against you. Keep the blogs real and keep them natural. This is really the best advice I can offer from a person who does this regularly. Moz tells us that the goal of the headline is to stop readers cold and draw them into your post. You can’t do that if you use cute, clever or confusing headlines.
What’s next – how do I start blogging?
If you have an open-source CMS such as WordPress your blog should be easy to set up. If you are keen to get the process going and want to capture new clients, get in touch with us here at Hopping mad designs and we will help you set up your blog and even provide some help with your first few articles.