In today’s competitive online space, you have to build a brand for your small business which can take the shape of many forms. And the beauty is having a WordPress website makes this possible.
Many small businesses should consider blogging, content marketing, e-newsletters and website updates to keep the content of their website fresh and their website relevant.
Doing this will build the trust of your website and help with its overall online visibility.
Unfortunately, most small businesses are far too busy running the daily operations to worry about these tasks but having a website built on a WordPress platform makes these tasks easy.
Following are ten WordPress benefits for small businesses.
1.WordPress is so much more than a basic content management system.
WordPress was the first blogging platform and was created well over a decade ago to help businesses get a basic website. Many small businesses clamoured to develop a simple web landing page, add a couple of blog posts and hey presto you were online. But, WordPress has evolved so much over the years and grown to be an essential marketing platform.
You have the flexibility to add more great features like an eCommerce store, menus, maps and delivery tracking.
Anything current for your business can be integrated into your WordPress CMS. All you need to do is think about how your business has grown and what additions you need to make to your website to reflect this. And, your WordPress platform will more than likely have the plugin to help you integrate it. WordPress has every extra module you could want from starting an online business through to adding extra website security.
2. Mobile Responsive is a Must
As web designers, we make sure that every WordPress site we build is entirely mobile responsive. Responsive design means that all elements of the web page such as images, text, videos will be rearranged automatically to fit all hand help devices, mobile phones and screen sizes.
We all know that websites must fit nicely on all screens and any hurdles hindering the user’s experience will have an impact on the time they spend on the site. This means that if your website is not responsive, the chances of people buying from you are minimal.
A quick test to see if your site is responsive is to check how it looks on you’re mobile phone. If it doesn’t reduce images and text to fit into the screen, then you need to get a web design team to look into this. Most small businesses over the last couple of years have realised the importance of having a responsive site, but there are still a whole bunch of folks out there with WordPress sites that are not mobile-friendly.
In most cases, this is a quick fix, so it’s something that you can do reasonably quickly.
3. WordPress lets you update security settings
Nothing is worse than finding out you’re website has been hacked. So, when you build, you’re WordPress website, make sure that you are up to date with all the latest security plugins. One of the best functions of WordPress is it will remind you if there are security updates needed. In most cases, it’s a quick click of a button for an instant security update.
4. WordPress websites allow easy internal linking
Whenever you write a blog, post or add a new page to your site, make sure you link internally to other pages. Creating an internal link structure is significant as it directs people to pages throughout your website. You might be writing a blog post related to a specific service offering, and you would want to have an internal link to that particular service page. Internal linkings has the benefit of keeping people on your website, which may encourage them to buy or make an inquiry. Plus more time on you’re site will reduce website bounce rates which is excellent for SEO, and you’re Google rankings.
Also, read The Do’s and Dont’s of Backlinks. Tips to make Google LOVE your link profile
5. WordPress helps you reduce and optimise image sizes.
Images and pictures on your website are generally the most extensive files. They can seriously slow your website load times which in turn can increase bounce rates and customers leaving your site. Slow load times are incredibly dangerous and can not only harm your Google rankings, but it can have an impact on sales and inquiries. You want your website to be fast, snappy and load in less than two seconds. WordPress can facilitate this by compressing and reducing all image & photo files, so your site is super fast to load.
6. WordPress has a great support network.
Like most things online, you will need help and support, and this is where WordPress is far superior to other CMS platforms. You can post a question to their forum and expect to get an answer swiftly but other WordPress experts. One of the best things about WordPress for small business is that it gives you autonomy. If for any reason you are stuck and need help the forum is there to help 24/7. Have a look at the WordPress Forum here.
7. WordPress gives flexibility in design.
Most small businesses are not designers and this is why WordPress is so handy. You can either choose from a range of free pre-existing templates that can match the style of your business. Or, you can completely customise your design based on your own unique style and taste. Obviously, you will need a Sydney WordPress web design agency to do this but the options are on the table for you. And, if you need any extra plugins added to you’re websites like a shopping cart, customised blogs or extra menus your web developers can easily add this.
8. WordPress is the most common website platform.
Any web designers or developer will know WordPress and how to use it. The interface is really easy to use and most small business owners will know how to use it after a couple of hours of training. But, like most small businesses you won’t have the time to invest in this especially during COVID-19. So if you have any design or structural changes needed on the site you can get an agency to do this for you. It’s a worldwide platform and changes, amends or additions can be implemented by anyone, anywhere in the world. It means that you’re not tied in to any one particular agency.
9. WordPress works across all industries.
Travel, beauty, medical, professional, trades, start-ups, eCommerce and Governments all use WordPress websites. The platform is so dynamic and so versatile that it can be customised to suit all industries and all types of small businesses. WordPress websites are so easy to create that it’s the perfect platform for small business startups that don’t want to invest a lot of money in the beginning phase of their business. However, as the business grows the site can easily expand to accommodate any growth.
10. WordPress is 100% SEO & Google-friendly
You will find it hard to beat WordPress for small business SEO. It allows you to easily update and modify the content, titles, tags, meta descriptions and images. Plus if you install the WordPress All in One SEO plugin will even give you tips on how to improve your sites on-page SEO performance. It does the thinking for you and guides you through the process.
Beat your competition with a Hopping Mad website!
This post was created by Steven Waldberg who is one of the directors of Hopping Mad Designs. If you’re looking for a WordPress website that can rank on Google and get loads of new business inquiries, Steven can help.