
10 Content Marketing Predictions for 2022

Article Overview

Content marketing is only going to get bigger in 2022 and how your business deals with this are going to make a huge difference to the number of sales leads you will get through your website. With content marketing, like all other digital strategies, you need to be constantly watching the trends, and be on the lookout for the next new thing.

As one of the leading content, SEO and social media marketing companies in Sydney, we at Hopping Mad Designs have put out heads to ether and come up with what we think are the 13 content marketing predictions for 2022 that your business needs to know about.

Updated 21 Sept 2021

1) Artificial Intelligence is going to affect search

With more people on their phones than ever, users are using artificial intelligence like Siri to help search queries. As soon as this starts to gather momentum we are going to see Google look at this very seriously. So rather than users searching for particular keywords, the searches will be more about phrases or questions. If this is the case then content marketing will play a huge role in your SEO campaign. Essentially the most you have out there; and this includes a well-structured FAQ page, the better chance your website will be found in the search results. Also, Google AI will never let things rest in the race for AI dominance in the search. If they see a rise ( and there is a huge uptake in this technology) in this type of search, they will definitely skew their search algorithm towards this.

2) Short snappy videos that cut through

Think Snap Chat. Think user attention spans and think how competitive the online space is. The way to cut through the noise and promote your brand will be through videos that are quirky, engaging and less than 10 seconds. I have seen the most incredible short videos on websites and social media platforms like Instagram that are so well done and so engaging that it really sticks with me. Shorter the better….but make it action-packed so it stands out and cuts through. Oberlo tells us that the preference for video content is not just limited to entertainment purposes. Video extends to brands. Studies show that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support.

Related Article: Benefits of Corporate Video Production

3) 5G is here and so are streaming videos

Lightning-fast internet speeds are going to make videos irresistible to both the consumer and the seller. If the technology is here then use it and this is where content meets video on steroids. Embrace the power and speed of the internet with professional videos and great copy.

Social media channels like Facebook Live, Twitter video embeds make video content marketing very powerful marketing and sales tool. It doesn’t matter who you are selling to, what your niche is, you will need videos to enhance and further promote your brand.

4) Visually exciting content is ‘the go’

Plain text is boring. Companies wanting better engagement with their audiences will use graphics to get their message out there to their customer base. Content marketing and copywriting is key to this, whether in the form of; infographics, animated gifs, videos or more realistic images on their website. The more visually exciting you make your business online in 2022, the greater will be your cut through rate. I include web banners in this as well, because ‘above the fold’ is where the action is happening and this is where you need to focus on your customer conversion rates. Having attention-grabbing web banners with ‘in your face’ copy is what will sell. If you don’t have this, expect sales leads and enquiries to slow down. The new buzzword in 2022 is conversion rates and making sure that customers who land on your website actually engage with it. I have written about this topic on this blog and you can discover more here at Category: Conversion Rate Optimisation

5) Reviews and testimonials

With businesses focusing on getting their customers to review and recommend their websites on platforms like Google, customers will rely heavily on brand devotees before they make a purchase.

Lets’ be honest here. Anyone can post a fake review and we see competitors do this to other businesses that they deem a threat all the time. This is why in 2022 businesses need to get fans to rave about them and use this content in all their marketing. Review sites are getting more popular and most people will Google “ company name and then review’ so you need to market positive reviews whenever they come in. We absolutely love Trust Pilot and what they have been able to do as a trusted third-party review platform. We encouraged an online travel agent to sign up to Trust Pilot and you can see how effective it’s been at getting reviews here.

6) People want answers very quickly

2022 will be the year that all websites need to address questions or search queries smartly. As stated about this all needs to be above the fold in clear concise information. For example: “ need a plumber in Sydney within 1 hour – call us for immediate help’ OR ‘ thinking about getting a divorce? Speak to us before you do anything’ OR ‘ fed up with wearing glasses? Laser eye surgery in 30 min is now possible, speak to us’. These are the questions that need to be in banners and in prominent positions on your website.

7) Ephemeral marketing for 2022

Blogs can be difficult to read and time-consuming. Marketers are looking for the next big thing that creates a sense of urgency and need to buy now scenario. Snapchat is a great example where information is displayed briefly to the user and then gone. It’s cool new alternative channels where content is key to engagement that will be the next big thing moving forward. If it’s hip and cool, then you want your business to be associated with this.

8) Quality content and videos over quantity

2022 is the year that businesses and marketers realise that they simply can’t pump content out there in an ad hoc manner in the hope of saturating the market. This no longer works as the digital space is way too crowded. Everyone is pumping out bits of information without any planning or insight into consumer behaviour. It’s now quality over quantity. Rather than posting 4 blogs per month, why not do 1 that is really a cut above the rest, with great video content and rich copy. Include testimonials, case studies, whatever, just make it super informative with a killer copy. It’s content like this that gets traction and in turn, will boost website traffic and conversions.

9) User interface is the new norm for website revamps

As a web design agency our focus has shifted over the years and this will only amplify in 2016, to a better easier to use custom user interface. Mobile technologies are slimming websites to make them easier to read and engage. The UX for all websites moving forward will have to take this into account. Concise, seriously conversion orientation graphics with a strong call to action are now site mandatories. 2022 = less waffle and straight to the point.

10) Social Media to break into more B2B content marketing plans

Social media will play a bigger part in content strategies. Platforms like LinkedIn are without a doubt a must, but Facebook and how businesses integrate their new features are going to start to play a bigger part in 2016. Luckily we have some serious Facebook addicts here at Hopping Mad Designs that know how all these new features work and how to put it to good effect for your business. If you want more visibility and higher click through rates, we can help you achieve this.

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