Dive in and find out about the latest news, tips, digital marketing ideas and trends in graphic & web design, printing and branding from the team at Hopping Mad Designs

Real Estate Website Design Sydney

Are you a real estate agent looking to make a real splash with your website design? Then Hopping Mad Designs can help. We can give your real estate agency a new look and feel with a great looking website that also ranks on the search engines (SEO). Speak to us today about how we can get your agency online.

Posted in SEO

Wine Label Design Sydney

Wine label design is one of the most important factors when it comes to selling your wine or vineyard to the consumer. It has to virtually leap right out off the shelf and stand out amongst all the other wine labels. This may seem rather odd considering people buy wine based on the vineyards reputation, but in many cases consumers will buy the bottle of wine purely based on the wine label design. If it stands out, if they like the look of what they see, then in most cases they will make the purchasing decision. Having a great looking wine label designed by Hopping Mad Designs is going to help sell your product and make it extremely competitive.


Cold Call Never Again

Business owners all over the world are fearful of one thing and that is cold calling. We all have done it and personally I really am not a huge fan of it. Basically, as a business owner I receive cold calls daily from companies all around Australia and added to this they are also streaming in from India, Thailand and The Phillipines. I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating it is becoming having to say no each and every day. They can be selling SEO services, ink toners, lead generation services, even holidays. Overall, people and the business community are totally fed up with cold callers and if you think that for one moment you can cold call to generate new business leads, then you are very much mistaken.

Posted in Website Design

The Best Search Engine Optimisation Company in Sydney

Hopping Mad Designs is a Sydney based SEO company with over 18 years SEO experience, we can get your website to the front page of Google using only Google compliant methods.

Posted in Website Design

5 Corporate Blogging Tips

Blogging is a great way to get your corporate message out there online and the effect is immediate. Think of a topic that is related to your business, write the article and publish it. All you need is a bit of spare time, some writing skills and your blog article can be online for all the world to see in no time at all. It is an awesome way to push your corporate message and will really help with your search engine rankings. If you are a corporate company and have not thought or done any blogging in the past following are some great tips to get you going.

Posted in SEO

Benefits of Corporate Video Production

If you have never thought about adding videos to your website, think again. Corporate and business videos increase consumer engagement. Start your own YouTube Channel and go for it! You’ll be amazed by the results.

Posted in Content Marketing

What CMS platform is right for your next website design project?

When you decide to engage the services of a website design studio to design your new website, there are many questions that are put on the table prior to commencing the web project. Issues like, site design, user interface, blogs, branding, search engine optimisation and web content are all discussed, but at no point do people discuss the content management system ( CMS ) platform that will be used for the website. This is a major component of any web build and is one that needs to be addressed before any firm web commitment should be made. Some website design studios are very cagey about their CMS platforms that they build sites around and it is for this reason that you should be aware of the many pitfalls associated with aligning yourself with a particular CMS. Some web designers or graphic designers will be helpful in this regard but other studios or agencies might not be. Following are some tips to guide you through this ‘ grey area’ and help you work out which CMS platform you should use for your website.

Posted in SEO

Hotel Web Design Motel Website Designers

Affordable web design for your hotel or motel. With over 24 years of web design experience, we feel we are the right design agency to

Posted in Web Design
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