What Forms Does Social Media Take?
Social Media covers many areas. First thing that comes to mind is Facebook. This is the most established social media platform, with everyone I know on it. Other social media platforms include Twitter, Blogs, Google+, Pinterest and one that I really love Instagram. These Social Media Platforms are all free to join and takes only a couple of minutes to register your business profile.
What Social Media Platforms Are Best For My Business?
Obviously, marking your business on these social media platforms takes a lot of time and effort. To be continually updating each social platform is virtually impossible. That is why you should pick the most appropriate ones for your business and focus on building your online profile there. As a design company I know we like to post new websites that we have just made live on Facebook and Twitter. It’s your call but as a minimum all businesses should at least have a Facebook and Google Plus page.
One other important social platform commonly overlooked is a blog on your own website. People I come across will have a great take up of the common social media platforms but are in the dark when it comes to how a blog can really increase your online presence and spread the word about your business. Have a read of the Hopping Mad corporate blog to see some of the topics we cover and how each article ranks on Google. It’s a powerful way of covering a wide range of topics really easily.
Are Social Media Campaigns Expensive?
Not really. It depends on how far you want to take them. Some larger companies will employ a team of Social Media experts to manage their online campaigns, whilst other smaller businesses will do it themselves. Perhaps with the help of a company, publishing relevant content say twice a month. Overall, businesses need to start to embrace social media as a real and true platform to showcase their services or products as more traditional forms of marketing fall by the wayside.
How Do I Find Companies That Can help Me With My Social Media Campaigning?
This is hard. Finding the right company can be a bit of a challenge. The first step would be to speak with your web design company to see if they have experience with social media or content marketing. I know that to get the mix right you need a company that has a strong understanding of what works and what doesn’t online plus a good dosage of search engine optimisation experience.
How Do I Market My Blog On Social Media Platforms?
The way I do it is simple. I write a blog article and publish it on the hopping mad website. I then take the blog link and post it on Twitter, Google Plus and lastly my LinkedIn page. All these social media submissions trigger an alert with Google and your blog post can be up there for the world to see in a matter of days. This is really content marketing and a whole new topic, but if you are keen on SEO, then this is the way to go. I am more than happy to discuss this with you if all this sounds too confusing. A point to note is that businesses that constantly blog, will have a higher amount of web traffic than those who don’t. The whole formula is simple: blog, tweet, facebook it, post it and then wait for the people to follow.
As you can see, content combined with your social media will lead to an increase in the amount of web traffic. What a great way to increase business, generate sales and promote yourself online.
Give us a call if you'd like to know more about blogs, Twitter feeds, Instagram pics and likes.
Social media campaigns are working well for our business and it with a little help it could be doing similar positive things for your company as well. It’s not hard to do and only takes a little bit of practice and patience.