Educational Web Design Sydney | University Website Designers


1. The website must appeal to its primary audience; students

If you are wanting to engage with this audience on their level then the website must have a young, contemporary style.

You want them to arrive on the home page and immediately be engaged with the content and visuals.  No matter the size of your institution, whether part of a large university or a small school or college, it’s worth the investment to get a website design that works for your target audience.

2. Strong, creative visual imagery

Your website should clearly reflect the nature and personality of your institution. Avoid overuse of stock imagery – relevant, real-life photos will make a massive difference to the user experience.

3) Clear navigation pathways

You need clear pathways that easily guide students and teachers around the site. Hot buttons on the home page are a great way to grab the users attention.

4) User-Friendly Content Management Systems

Your CMS should allow for university, college, TAFE staff to get into the back-end of the website and make as many changes as they like IN REAL TIME. Ideally, an open-source CMS platform like WordPress should be used as this means that you are not locked into using one web company – it allows flexibility, which is very important in today’s digital environment.

Also read: CMS Solutions for Charities, Non – Profits and NGOs

5) Mobile Phone Friendly Websites

Your new website should be RESPONSIVE, allowing it to be viewed easily on all handheld devices. Students on the go will expect this from your institution, so make sure you get your web designer to implement this function.

6) Can Your University Website Be Found On Google?

Students looking for information about courses, enrolments will need to find your website easily and this is why it is imperative that an SEO or search engine strategy is mapped out and planned for the beginning of your web project. Nowadays in the COVID environment where international students are not coming from overseas, it’s vital that you can attract local Aussie students and talent to your uni or TAFE.

7) Web Content That Works

It is worth the exercise to get a professional copywriter to look at your website content. Writing for the web is totally different to anything else and this is why a web content expert can make a huge difference to the success of your website and online profile.

8) Social Media Marketing

This cannot be ignored! Universities and all educational institutions MUST embrace at least the basic social media platforms including; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Popular universities, colleges and TAFE’s can easily get a massive following, so it’s wise from a marketing perspective to utilise and benefit from this.

Increase enrollment and student engagement

Dynamic Websites

Most University and School web pages have their very own style and personality. Our in-house technology has been developed to be flexible enough to create real value for all of our clients, even those with very detailed and specific briefs. Our website developers are constantly improving and updating our web technologies to ensure it remains browser compatible, PLUS other add-ons which mean your site will never be left behind.


Customised web design and development can be expensive. As a Sydney based web design company with years of experience, we are able to strategise and deploy your website quicker and much more cost-effectively than most other design studios. Hopping Mad you will outline a detailed proposal and fixed quotation which will be delivered to you on budget and on time.

Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is crucial to increase universities online presence. Our WordPress platform is built upon a CMS designed to provide the on-page components that adhere to Google’s guidelines for best practices.

How Much Should a Web Design Cost?

So, how much should and how much does a website design cost?

This is an important question and I do get this asked all the time by potential clients who come to meet with me in our design studio and the answer I give to them is the same each and every time. What type of web design are you after and what do you want your website design to achieve?

In real terms, if you are a business owner and want a functional and effective online presence you really do not have to spend huge sums on money to get a great looking web site design that is also search engine friendly.

Working with a web design studio like Hopping Mad Designs means that you are getting real value for your marketing dollar when you embark on the journey of choosing your next web designer in Sydney. Sure, there are heaps of designers out there offering websites for next to nothing, but going down this path can and will only lead to major issues further down the track.

Over the years in business I cannot begin to tell you about the number of calls/emails I get from small businesses through to larger companies who have gone to a cheap web designer only to be left out of pocket, without a working website.

Think of this in terms of buying a car. If you want a basic run around car, that will get you from A to B with a minimum of fuss, but without all the added extra’s such as leather seats and air conditioning, you are going to be paying a base price. However, if you are looking at making a statement and want a little bit more of that ‘ wow factor’ you are going to have to pay a bit more for say a European brand or a top model in the Japanese series. These will be fitted out with all the extra trimmings, bells and whistles and will get second looks for other motorists and people in the street.

This is exactly the same for web design. You can pay as little as you like ( this comes with a huge warning which I will talk about later on) or you can pay that bit extra and get a web page design that users online will notice. For a business looking to get an online presence the choices are limitless. There are an enormous amount of web package design studios offering sites for little over $100. Most of these sites will be a template style website and your business website will end up looking like every other site online. But, if you want to compete for the attention of internet users ( who are all becoming that much more web savvy) you have to go for the more expensive option, and use the services of a a professional web design studio that is able to design and deliver a better than average website.

Another perspective is you get what you pay for. I have again heard this numerous times with potential clients. They will do the ring around and speak to the same web companies that are on the first page of Google, like us, and say that they are able to get a website designed for $450.

And I always have the same response; you get what you pay for.

If you are comfortable with a very basic online website and are happy to have a site that looks exactly the same as most other template websites on the market, then that is ok. You should possibly explore and go with that option.

But, if you are wanting to get noticed and have people look at your website then this is clearly not the best option for your business. I am literally amazed with the number of phone calls I get on a weekly basis from business people who have gone down the cheap n cheerful path only to end up with big problems.

Following are a few issues you many encounter when going with the cheaper web design.

These web companies will quote low just to get you into the front door, virtually buying your business, but you will be slugged for each and every design change you make that is not included in the original quote.

And believe me, this will be charged at an hourly rate and there will be no room for negotiation. The reason why you will want so many design amends and changes is because of the poor quality design that was given to you in the first place. This is due in part to lack of design experience and the in ability to get a proper brief from you in the first place.

Having a cheap website means that you are going to look like the guy next door. You may even have a site thats got a similar look and feel to your competitor. This is just not on as being unique and having a point of difference is important when it comes to marketing your business online.

There is the temptation, I know, to save money if you are setting up a business and are looking to trim start up costs, but penny pinching on your web design and development is a bad mistake.

Perhaps look at cutting costs elsewhere and invest a bit more into your digital strategy.

Most of the work is off shored to a third world country where labour and wage rates are so much cheaper. There are just so many issues and problems associated with this that I would occupy this whole blog talking about it. But let me put this in plain terms, every one I speak to about this, has had a very bad experience. I cannot recall in my  years here as director of Hopping Mad Designs one good or positive comment about their dealings with these cheaper web development options.

Each individual story has its own nasty ending and each person swears blindly that they will never do this again. The problem here is that there are so many new businesses starting up, who are totally naive about the pitfalls ahead of them that they go blindly into this, believing that they are just getting a good deal.

The purpose of this blog article is to hopefully educate those people reading this so they wont make the same bad judgement call. All it takes is one phone call or email to a design studio like Hopping Mad Designs and this can be avoided.

Their level of customer service is poor. Remember what I said above; you get what you pay for. Well, this is what will happen. Phone calls will not get returned, deadlines will be missed, artwork will be wrong, design will be totally off brief ( if there has been any design), the list goes on and on. Paying next to nothing means exactly that. Nothing. at the end of the day –  you will be lucky to get anything and lucky if you get a functioning website.

I am not just writing this because of the competitive nature of the web industry. We don’t want to compete at this level and we certainly cant. I am here writing this, to help those poor individuals ( out there trying to make a decent living), understand about the options available to them.

They might think that they are smart and prudent business people because they have struck up a cheap deal, but hopefully they are reading this and hopefully will heed this advice. So do not expect phone calls or emails to be replied to promptly and never expect that your website will look anything special. these are the cold plain truths and you should really ask yourself this question; is it worth all the angst and aggravation?

If you want to compete online, you need a website design studio that will be able to rank your site. website ranking on Google is the combination of both on page ( what they see on the actual site) and off page ( what you dont see). Getting your ‘on page’ programming absolutely search engine compliant will ensure your website has the best chance of ranking. If you are getting a website that has been churned out in a production like manner then the chances of your ‘ on page’ SEO frame work being completed correctly are very minimal. What this means for you and your business is that your website will not get as much traffic as it could possibly be getting and you will be missing out on those important new business phone calls. Basically, you have started off on the wrong foot and this will have consequences for your business later on. In most cases all the so called work that has been completed will have to be re-done again, this time, properly.

What are the advantages of paying just that bit more for your website design?

The advantages certainly outweigh the disadvantages. Here are just a few:

This is your business and if your website is your shopfront to the world then you need something that’s not only going to be attention grabbing but a site that is going to be a reflection of your business and its culture and style. Only a web design studio thats trained in the art of website development will be able to facilitate this properly.

By taking a proper brief from the outset, and implementing design accordingly, your website should last you years and act as a very powerful marketing and sales tool.

Nothing comes close to having a great looking website ranking well on Google and for this privilege you have to pay accordingly. This just does not magically happen. A lot of time, effort and years of knowledge are combined to make this happen.

You get superior customer service. Calls are returned promptly and emails are answered. No one goes missing in action and your web designers are held accountable for the entire project. You get to meet with them face to face and things are not entirely done in the virtual world. Basically, if you are prepared to pay the price then you will get a premium design combined with great customer service. It will make a huge difference.

You will have a better chance of your web site ranking if the whole process is handled by web developers who know how to program CORRECTLY. Give it to a bunch of amateurs and you will not rank, let search engine optimisation experts work on your site and your website will work much better for you now, and in the future.

Paying the right amount now and getting your site designed and coded correctly will see your web traffic increase with sales leads as well.

Real Estate Website Design Sydney

Real Estate Agents Website Design Must Haves

Look Stunning: As a real estate agent you need a point of difference. You need to look unique, stand out from your competitors and have that visual online competitive edge. As a graphic design and web design studio, our team of design experts will be able to transform your web presence into a powerful marketing tool that not only looks awesome but will rank very high on Google and help drive those juicy new sales leads!


Generate leads from online inquiries: Our WordPress content management system means that you will be able to upload content through out the site through your own personal back end admin area. This system is super search engine friendly, which means that once we upload the site, it will have the very best chance of achieving a great online ranking. Obviously, we would need to go over a search engine strategy, but we lay the solid foundations for the perfect start for your real estate agency.

Our web programmers have been developing 100’s of websites over the past 18 years and we are up to speed with the latest technologies and Google algorithm changes.

This means that you get the benefit from a team of highly skilled programmers who really know their stuff.


Automatically include property listings: Once you upload your property listing on your website, it will be automatically listed on other major real estate websites. This avoids duplication of work and saves you valuable time.


Website Content: Hopping Mad Designs can help you with; well written, sales driven, search engine friendly web content. Google now looks at website copy as a factor in determining page rankings and if your copy is relevant and fresh, it will help in your online rankings.

We have a team of web copywriting experts that have a enormous amount of business to business writing experience and could certainly give your real estate web design copy a valuable lift.

Web copy and design are 2 crucial features you need in delivering your real estate agency a site thats way above your competitors.


The Web Interface is simple. This means that potential vendors or buyers who come to your website will be able to easily navigate twithout getting lost or confused. Large, easy to read ‘call to action’ buttons, combined with a very intuitive site map, will ensure that users stay on your website. The last thing you want is for potential vendors or buyers to not be able to find a property or find out relevant information.

Some sites are over complicated and very difficult to maneouvre around, meaning a very poor user experience. At Hopping Mad Designs we will ensure that all web page designs are not only visually very creative but also simple, clean and very uncluttered.


Most professional Real Estate websites are generally complicated and expensive to design and build. With our experience and technology in this area we can plan and launch your website faster and more cost effectively than traditionally possible. With Hopping Mad Designs you receive a detailed proposal and fixed quotation for your Real Estate website requirements.


Cost effective: Many web design studios, knowing that you are a real estate agency or are looking to design a website for a property development, will hike up the price. We know that you are a small business and this means that you are looking for the best value for your marketing dollar.

This is why our web designers and web programmers are able to combine their skills to deliver your agency a site that is very affordable

Why Use Hopping Mad Designs for your next Real Estate Agency Website


GRAPHIC DESIGN EXPERTS. This means that your new website will have that graphic design edge needed to be competitive. Some web studios will go with the easier, cheaper option of just recycling an old web template and passing it off as a new design, We never ever do this at Hopping Mad. All our website work is fully customised, and all our work is bespoke based on your very specific brief.

We encourage you to come to our web studio in Darlinghurst, Sydney so that we are able to meet for a face to face meeting and discuss your requirements in greater detail. Our office is very easy to find and conveniently located on the city fringe.

SEO FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS. We know search engine optimisation. This means that throughout the design and build of your website we consider all factors and variables that will ensure your Google rankings are goings to be extremely high. We can even help with your pay per click campaign if you like.

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Another great online tool to generate interest in your real estate agency is through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We are experts at writing relevant, catchy, content that will generate real interest in your business.

Developing these social media pages is just one small component in this complicated social media maze. What you say on these pages will have a huge bearing on your business and the public's perception of your real estate agency.

Post new listings on Facebook, write informative articles on LinkedIn, post tweets about a new sales agent on Twitter or write a great well worded article on your blog – all this can be done and is a great way to BOOST YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE!


CUSTOMER FOCUSED. We like to think that we are very reliable, super friendly, and very customer service orientated.

Partnering with Hopping Mad Designs means that you are dealing with a team of seasoned design professionals. We know that it can be frustrating in business when you have to work with suppliers or contractors that are very junior. This is why at all stages of the web project, you only work with mid-weight or senior designers with a minimum of 5 years web experience.

ALL YOUR DESIGN NEEDS TAKEN CARE OF.  If you are just starting out with your real estate agency, we are able to design everything you need. This includes, the design of your corporate identity or brand, all the stationery that goes along with this ( such as business cards, letterheads, signage), sales brochures and other marketing material ( including property flyers, corporate positioning statements), right through to domain name registration, website hosting, and lastly web design.

Consider Hopping Mad Designs as your one stop design studio that you can turn to for any piece of marketing material you may need.

Think of all the hassles and headaches that you will save by having one company handle everything for you, even your printing!

At Hopping Mad Designs we are not just your every day design studio. We are your marketing partner. If you are a real estate agent and want a first class looking website combined with a well thought out and well planned social media and search engine campaign, then please call 02 9360 8514.

Wine Label Design Sydney

Are You Looking for Wine Label Designers in Sydney?

This may seem odd to those wine producers and vineyard owners but like all things available to us on the shelf, first impressions count the most. Just like walking down a supermarket aisle, if the product is packaged well and the graphics are visually eye catching, then the chances are far greater that the consumer will stop, take notice and perhaps buy the product.

If you are in your local liquor store, or major liquor chain and are wanting to quickly buy a bottle of wine, you will naturally go to the wine label that grabs your attention – this is why you need to use a professional graphic design studio that has experience in wine label design.

The painful truth for some vineyards is that in some cases it is not what’s on the inside of the bottle that counts, it is what’s on the label that will influence a buyer’s decision.

If you are looking to get a wine label designed then you should always look for a professional graphic design studio like Hopping Mad Designs to partner with. We have over 16 years graphic design experience and know what is takes to give your wine label the graphic design and competitive design edge needed to stand out on the very crowded supermarket or liquor store shelf.

We Can Help Establish Your Brand

The first stage in the wine label process is establishing a brand. If you are wanting to have a creative, catchy name, you might need to engage the services of a copywriter, which is another service that hopping mad designs can provide. Please call us on 02 9360 8514 to find out more about this service available. We have a team of in house copy writers that can come up with as many name alternatives as you like.

Once you have the name for your wine label you need to have a brand or logo designed. This is the foundation of the label and is the first stage in the design process. You need a brand design that will not only sit comfortably with the name, but will also grab the attention of the consumer. Again, you really need to choose your graphic design agency carefully for this part of the wine label process. They need to have an extensive amount of identity design experience ( not only in wine label design, which means they are able to be flexible in their design approach), which they should be able to show you.

Try looking for a graphic design studio that has an extensive logo design portfolio similar to

There is no point in going to the trouble of growing and producing your wine, if the actual name and branding does not look decent.

It is such a competitive market that getting this right from the very beginning is paramount to the success of your business.

There are so many factors that need to be taken into account when designing a wine label logo and wine label packaging. Your designer at briefing stage needs to look at variables such as: demographics, the region in which the grapes were grown, the personality of the area and the vineyard, the design of the actual bottle, the price point at which you are looking to sell the wine, your competitors, past wine labels you may have designed as well as taking your design input on board and offering design suggestions and alternatives.

This may seem like a complicated and lengthy process. But, at Hopping Mad Designs we try to make the whole wine label design process as easy as possible. From briefing stage, right through to the production of final artwork we work with you, in a partnering manner to ensure that all design milestones are met with a minimum of fuss, but with this highest design standards available.

What to Look for in a Graphic Design Agency

When looking to find the right graphic design team to work on your wine label design you really need to take some factors into account. For the novice or first timer you really need to take notice of these points as there are just so many graphic designers out there, all looking for business, that making the right choice can make a huge difference. Following are a few rules that should point you in the right direction and help you avoid making the wrong choice.

– it’s best to look for a graphic design agency that can show a credible and reliable design history. I have mentioned this before, that it does not necessarily have to be in the wine label design industry, but go with a design studio that can show you a solid, dependable past portfolio of work and clients. On top of this, ideally you want to be working with a design studio that has been around a long time and will be here in the future to help you with your project. Partnering with a graphic design start up or fledgling studio has its set of risks that you do not want to take on board. Imaging half way through the project, they go under, decide to go on a holiday ( leaving you without a designer), pick up another job meaning that they do not have the man power to finish your job. All these factors need to be looked at carefully before making your decision. Working with a mature, well grounded, established design studio means that you will get your wine label designed and completed on time and on budget, without any headaches or unmanageable risks.

Don’t always go for the cheapest design. Some graphic designers will often quote very low to get your business, but this will only result in compromised wine label design or added charges if you need or want to make any design amends or changes. Paying just that bit more and using a reputable design studio will mean that you are giving your wine label the best chance of looking great and standing out on the shelf.

The feeling that you get from your graphic designer is an important start. After speaking with them, you will get a ‘ gut instinct’ if it’s the right fit/culture. If you feel that you can work with them, then it’s a good start. If you have some reservations or you hear alarm bells going off then listen to these. More often than not, large design projects need a close interaction between yourselves and the designer. So it is vital that the design relationship and communication channels feels right from the get go.

WINE LABEL WEB DESIGN: See if your graphic designer is able to design and build you a website to compliment your wine label. Showcasing your wine label to a world wide audience by having a website is great for promotion and an awesome avenue to further drive revenue and sales and increase exposure for your label and vineyard. Most design studios should be able to provide this added on service and it is a great business decision to look at incorporating a website into the marketing mix.

Perhaps even discuss the various social media marketing channels and how they may be used to further push your wine label. This is a relatively new field, and one that is growing in popularity. Wine growers should embrace this new marketing reach and look to start working the angle of Facebook, Twitter and Google+, to market their brand.

You will find that the larger wine producers have started many social media campaigns, meaning that the door is now wide open for the smaller/majority of wine makers to get on board and look at these social media platforms to enhance their marketing and reach a new and larger audience. You will be amazed how quick and easy this is and the immediate impact it can have in getting your message out there to a newer untapped wine market.

If you look at the uptake and amount of internet users on social media platforms like Facebook, you will be astounded at the potential for your business, especially the wine label. This will only get bigger and it is up to you ( the wine producer) to make the inquiry with your graphic designer to get the ball rolling and get your own wine label Facebook page. Its so easy to do and we would be more than happy to discuss any social media questions that you may have. Please call us here at Hopping Mad Designs on 02 9360 8514.

Why Hopping Mad Designs?

1) We have a wealth of graphic design experience. This means that we are able to take any ideas that you may have for your wine label and turn them into an eye catching, visually punchy and very creative label. As designers, we pride ourselves on being able to offer various design style options and work these up till you are 100% satisfied with the end result.
2) All our designers are mid weight to senior level, which means you will never deal with juniors, freelancers, uni students, or people that do not have at least 5 years design experience under their belt.
3) We never outsource work and all wine label design will be carried out in our Sydney based design studio. This means that you will benefit from having all design work carried out by seasoned design professionals who understand the Australian wine label market. Plus all artwork at all stages through out the design process will have to go through the creative director, ensuring that the highest design and creative standards have been implemented and maintained.
4) We understand the print process. This means that we are able to work up your wine label design to include the latest print and paper stock technologies and trends. We have a thorough understanding of varnishes, paper types and finishes, colours, die lines as well as a great relationship with many printers to ensure that you not only get the best finished printed wine label but we are also able to do this as cost effectively as possible.
5) We run a very tight ship here at Hopping Mad Designs. This means that there are no cost blow outs and that if there is any chance that there looks like costs will increase due to unforseen circumstances we are able to mitigate this early on, saving you time and money.

If you are a wine producer and are looking to get a identity for your wine label or a wine label designed by a team of design experts then please give us a call on 02 9360 8514 or email
You will be really amazed at what is now available to you, to market your product.

Cold Call Never Again

 _803_ the cold calling market is so saturated, you may have to make well over 100 calls to get even the smallest nibble. And, even when people say yes to receiving information from you, they are doing this just to be polite to get rid of you. Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because someone says yes to receiving an email from you that they are at all interested. The lesson from this is that you do not have to put yourself through the misery of cold calling anymore. There are now thanks to advances in technologies and the internet, new ways to reach out and get new business. Following are a few great new marketing ideas that you should start implementing into your business, rather than spend fruitless, miserable hours speaking to people who do not want to be contacted. By adopting these strategies you should start to see results immediately and in turn see sales and revenues rise. Save your nerves and reduce your stress by never having to cold call again.

Get a new website design for your business.

This is a no brainer. All businesses need a website, and if you have not got one yet, then you are really doing damage to your business. A website is now the fundamental cornerstone of your business and it is the first place that consumers, new clients ( if they can find you ), will turn to, to do a bit of research about you and your product or service offering. If you cannot be found online then you are a ghost and you might as well close your doors. Unless of course, you have such a great name that people come to you purely out of your reputation. Most businesses and companies are not in this fortunate position and need to have a web presence that clearly reflects their business, their personality as well as a strong visual presence to attract users.
Alternatively, if you currently have a website and you find that it is not working for you ( perhaps it is a few years old) then think about getting a complete website overhaul. In fact, you should be looking at refreshing your site annually. There are huge benefits to this which I will discuss later on in this article under SEO.

Times change and so does the consumer base and this has to be reflected in your online image, that is your website. If your look and feel does not evolve with the market then you will and this is a certainty, loose business to your competitors that may have a funkier, more stylish look and feel. Think of it like a hotel. If you are on holiday wouldn’t you prefer to stay at a modern hotel with all the add on facilities, like a gym, pool, internet access, rather than an old 1970’s style hotel with a old bed and fan. People gravitate to more modern, contemporary and dynamic styles and your website design is no different. A new look will impress your old clients and attract new ones if your marketing strategy is right. If your site is optimised for the internet and online rankings then you should start to see your listing rise on Google and this in turn will bring in the inquiries, meaning you never have to cold call. All you need to do now is find the right website design studio to turn this into a reality. A word of note here; be extremely careful about who you align yourself with when it comes to web design companies. There are just so many web companies online that making the right choice is going to be fundamental in the way your site is perceived and ultimately its success. Keep these points front of mind when looking for a web studio:

– find a web design company that is prepared to have a face to face meeting and go over a proper design brief. Remember, your aim is to get the phone ringing again and to do this you need to deal with people that know how to design a sales driven website.

– Don’t just go with the cheapest option. There is, I know the temptation to say to yourself that times are tough and you need to trim down on marketing. But, this is the opposite. Spend more money on your marketing, including your website and get it properly done. Cheap and fast web solutions are absolutely pointless and will do nothing to lift your online digital profile. Might as well forget the whole exercise and go the beach instead of wasting your time. Only a web studio that has a credible design history with a solid design back ground should be offering advice to you. Anyone else is just there to take your money, and deliver sub standard web templates that will only turn people off. Being tight now, will just cost you more money in the future. So open those purse strings and get real about web design and about what’s feasible for your business.

– Speak with your web designer/s and explain to them clearly that you are having issues with your current site or that you need a site to get inquiries happening. Be honest and open about your expectations and try to be as clear in your brief as possible. Also, be very open minded about what can be done and be prepared to accept the fact that you might have to completely change your image both offline and online. The aim here is to bring about changes that will have a positive impact on your business, so be accepting of the advice as you should be dealing with professionals who do have the answers. Being negative, close minded or taking the easy cheaper path is not the way to go at this stage. Adopt a broader, open minded philosophy and be aware that you will have to take risks and be bold to turn the slump around.

Think about your branding

Think about the following questions carefully:
What does your marketing or sales material say about you and your company?
Is the logo a relic from the past, handed down over generations?
Is the owner reluctant to make any changes to the logo because hes scared to do anything.
You don’t want to get any new brochures printed because you got thousands printed 10 years ago and there are still some left in the basement.
You got your cousin to design a logo 5 years ago free of charge but it does not look professional.
Our older clients like our marketing and sales brochures so changing them might offend them.
If these sound familiar then you are fooling yourself that you can get out of cold calling. Sitting with old and out dated collateral just further distances yourself between your business and a new market base.
A good idea is to chat with a graphic design company to discuss ideas and see how you can give your company branding an overhaul and bring it into the 20th century. I have seen so many examples over the years here at Hopping Mad Designs the power and positive benefits to a business just by simply giving the logo and some sales material ( brochures, flyers, business cards ) a new revamped look. It really can give your business a complete revitalised and energetic overhaul it needs to again be competitive.

Have you heard about Social Media?

Your kids are on it, your staff are on it but your business is not and this is a big issue. No one has explained social media to you and just the thought of it makes you uncomfortable.
Lets draw another comparison with other technologies. Look at email, slow to take on board but after a while everyone had one. It was common place and part of the business process. If you didn’t have a email address you were a dinosaur. Email is so common place that sending things via snail mail is now becoming more uncommon. This is the same with social media, slow to begin with but this will eventually outstrip all marketing mediums and platforms. If you are the type of person who wants to stick your head in the sand, hoping it will go away then you are wrong. And I must emphasise wrong. The uptake of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google + will mean that most marketing campaigns will be conducted online and through these sites.
The barriers to entry of are easy and you can have your own business Facebook page up and active within a couple of minutes. Rather than be afraid of these new technologies, embrace them and look to them to reach out to a whole new potential client base looking for your product and or service.

Does the word copywriter mean anything to you?

If not, then you should really familiarise yourself with what they are al about and what they can do for your business. If you were responsible for all the content that has gone on your marketing and sales material, then it may be a good time to read it again and see if it is still relevant. If is isn’t, then you may need to engage a copywriter or wordsmith to look at all the copy on all your material. If business has slowed down, then it might be that your communication is out dated and poorly written. A professional copywriter with a strong B2B background could just be the tonic to get things moving along just that bit faster. This can be especially true for the website where well worded content can have a huge impact on your search engine rankings.

Have you implemented a search engine marketing campaign yet?

This is an absolutely mammoth area and if you have not implemented an SEO campaign then you are really doing a disservice to your business. SEO is the technique of ranking your website on the major search engines and is really the best marketing tool available today for you to generate new business leads. SEO is something that only a company with heaps of previous experience can implement and before you embark on choosing a SEO company, you really need to take heed of the following few points to avert any disasters.
– never go with the cheapest SEO company. Generally speaking, if they are cheap, then they are cutting corners and will not do a proper job for you./ Plus they may be using really bad SEO techniques which could cause you to incur a online penalty.
– Make sure that the company you deal with can show you their past SEO work and make certain that they are able to point out their own online rankings.
– Never sign a contract with them and only go on a month by month basis.
If done correctly a search engine campaign should and will in most cases get your business ranking very high on page 1. This I believe is your most powerful weapon and you should do everything possible to ensure that this SEO campaign is started without any delay.
You will see the difference this makes to your business and once ranking you will notice those inquiries start flooding in. So if you are at the stage of thinking about cold calling, then don’t worry. Put all that negativity behind you and forget about ever having to do it again. SEO is the real answer and if you start this today you will be one step closer to ditching cold calls forever.

If you are thinking about cold calling and have just read this article and want to learn a little bit more about other much more effective options available to you then please give us a call here at Hopping Mad Designs on 02 9360 8514. After speaking with me for just 5 minutes I can guarantee you that you will ditch cold calling forever.

The Best Search Engine Optimisation Company in Sydney

Hopping Mad Designs has helped businesses throughout  Sydney + Australia with their search engine optimisation, ensuring that their website appears at the top of the Google ranking for their main keywords.

We have a team of search engine experts who really understand all there is to know about SEO.






So many SEO companies will over promise and under deliver. They will say anything and offer the most ridiculously cheap SEO packages just to LOCK YOU into a fixed contract that is very difficult to get out of. We NEVER do this.

We look at your website and offer you constructive  SEO advice and offer you a complete fixed price, without ever locking you into long term contract.



Hopping Mad works with a few of Australia’s best search engine optimisation SEO experts.

This is very clear if you look at what we have been able to achieve shown in our own amazing rankings and those of our clients.

When you partner with Hopping Mad Designs to run your SEO campaign, you will notice the difference that we can make for your business. We will literally blow your competition out of the water by ranking you so far up those rankings. Don’t be fooled by those cheap and nasty Search Engine Optimisation companies. They offer false hopes and promises.



Over the past couple of years the SEO industry become tarnished by bad operators.

Working with Hopping Mad Designs means you can rest easy in the knowledge that you are going to be working closely with an SEO industry leader that has been in business since 1998.

What this means for your business is that no matter where you are currently ranking online or whether you have had a bad past experience with a SEO provider, we are able to turn this around for you and get your online marketing campaign back on track in a professional and very timely manner.



!f you are even remotely tempted to go with a cheap SEO servcie provider, ask yourself one question. If they are going to cahrge you say $200 per month for your search engine optimisation, then wouldn’t you expect that they do only 2-3 hours work on your site per month?

A decent SEO strategy requires a minimum of 10-15 hours work per month ( depending on the keywords you want to rank for), which is certainly not achievable with such a low budget. Pay peanuts you get monkey’s, but in the case of SEO; pay peanuts and you will get a SEO penalty from Google.

So, basically to get a decent result you have to pay a reasonable amount.





5 Corporate Blogging Tips



1. Create strong, attention grabbing BLOG headlines.

The relevance of a headline must be noted as this is the first thing that your client will see. If the heading has something interesting to say, it will grab the attention of the reader ensuring they will click on the link and read more. Keep it simple but words like: ‘ 10 best tips ‘ , or ‘advice on how to’ will work really well. People love to read things in point form so having a heading with words like ‘ 5 ways to help’ are great attention grabbing headlines.


 2. Look at a much broader blogging approach

Try not to focus too heavily on your product or service. People will get bored and eventually switch off. Corporates should think of things that would interest other like minded business people. If you are an accountant for example, you don’t have to write about taxation rules all the time, but perhaps look at other topis like: 10 ways to save on your tax bill, or 5 tips to help reduce bad debts. It is articles like these, that might not be 100% related to your business, but are still relevant to the business community are interesting enough for a quick read. Variation in topics and writing style will keep people coming back for more.


3. Engage with People who Comment On Your Corporate Blog

If you have made the effort to write a blog have some interesting articles for people to read and comment, be sure to engage with these people. Having a real person at the end of the blog and actually communicating with them is a fantastic start at engaging with potential new customers. If they like you blog and have commented, or asked you a question be _720_ sure to respond to them in a timely manner. The way you behave here may in turn result in you picking up a few new clients. Obviously, if you get nasty or malicious spammy comments, just delete these immediately as engaging with these people may cause issues for you.


4. Implement Social Media Icons.

Your blog is all about sharing ideas, and communicating with your client base. You really need to take this one step further and encourage your readers to share the content. This is easy to do. All you need is some + 1 , Google +, Facebook Like icons or even a Pinterest badge to get people engaging with what you have to say. You will find that given this opportunity, readers who do like your content will be more than happy and cooperative when it comes to passing it onwards. Also make sure that your blog design Sydney has been proferssionally designed – this will keep your corporate branding consistent. If you do do not know where to go then why not give us a call here at Hopping Mad Designs.


5. Never Give Up Blogging.

If you have made the effort to start a blog and want to have a bit of a following then you have to keep up the process of blogging. Starting it and then picking it up randomly will only confuse people, who are expecting to see your articles on a regular basis. One really good point to note is that corporate blogging is great for your search engine ranking. If Google sees that your website has been updated with fresh new content, then your articles are more likely to get indexed and ranked. Obviously, Blogging is only one component of search engine optimisation, but it is really a great way to stay on top of your competitors who may already have been blogging for years.

DON’T WRITE BLOGS FOR GOOGLE’S SAKE! – writing blog articles for the search engines is not on. If you write blogs with spammy repetetive keywords in the hope of helping your overall SEO, then this won’t work – write ONLY for your readers and the rankings will follow – this is a very important tip!

If you can’t understand why all your main search terms and keywords have been and are still being dominated by your rivals, then the answer is a combination of SEO and corporate blogging…..STARTING you blog now and being really active in this space is a great marketing move for your company!

If you feel that all this corporate blogging is too hard, you may like to employ a copywriting person that can help you get your content out there. Companies like us, at Hopping Mad Designs are able to help you facilitate this blogging process at rates that may even surprise you.


Benefits of Corporate Video Production

Probably the main reason that Corporate Video enhances your business is that your target audience simply loves video.

You are a consumer yourself, so think about the last time that you clicked on a play button to receive your information effortlessly.

People absorb information in various formats but with an ever-increasing amount of information to contend with on a daily basis most find that to sit back and watch a few minutes of quality video far more productive and enjoyable than reading massive blocks of text.

This is the reason that video is the fastest growing marketing tool in history! The statistics speak volumes when it comes to understanding exactly the impact of video marketing in 2022.

Can you believe that YouTube didn’t exist 15 years ago?

The story of YouTube’s stellar rise from inception in February 2005 to the initial sale for $3.5million in November 2005 is nothing short of astonishing. By July 2006 YouTube was achieving 100million views a day. People and consumers love videos.

Also read: 10 Content Marketing Predictions for 2022

Video dramatically increases trust

Trust is an essential ingredient to do business with you. Oberlo tells us that with the increasing demand for video content, it’s no surprise that such a large percentage of marketing professionals claim to use video as a marketing tool.

The single factor which will cause a consumer to do business with you is trust. The main roadblock to a consumer doing business with you is a lack of trust. Apart from actually sitting “B2B” or “Belly to Belly” with every potential client, video is the only way to take yourself into the home or office of your prospect. It is clear that the video presents people and products in ways that text and photos simply can’t.

Provided that you choose great quality video production, the video will break down obstacles for your potential clients. They will feel they know you, like you and trust you or your product.

Our Corporate Hopping Mad video clients love it when they eventually meet with clients and they say: “wow, I feel we’ve known each other for ages!” Their clients have already “met” you via your videos and they have engaged your services based on the sense of trust created by your Corporate Videos.

 People buy with emotion and video invokes emotion

The same may be said of photos, but the big advantage of video is that it seamlessly presents a sequence of photos to a viewer. The standard rate of images in the video is 24per seconds. So each second is like looking at one photo. This is why the impact of 1 to 2 minutes of video is just so great! U.S Marketing Researcher Dr James McQuivey said it best: 1 Minute of the video is worth 1.8million words.

Visitors to websites with video stay

Visitors stay on average for 6 minutes as opposed to just 1 minute for those without video. Crazy Egg elaborates on this by saying that according to The Aberdeen Group, businesses that utilize visual engagement tactics see an 83% increase in annual revenue compared to their competitors. Websites that relied on visual engagement in addition to copy saw their conversion rates more than double.

This statistic doesn’t mean that you need to produce videos that are 6 minutes in length! Indeed the best online videos are short, sharp and succinctly scripted and run for just 1 to 2 minutes in total. What this statistic tells us is that once a visitor views a video on your website they stay longer. They have become engaged in a more meaningful way than text could ever achieve. They stay, they research and they are more likely to immediately buy your product or service. If they are not ready to become a buyer, you are guaranteed they will be more likely to remember your company than if they hadn’t watched a video and this will increase their likelihood of becoming a future customer.

The video brings a viewer closer

Video not only bring a viewer closer to doing business with you but also brings more traffic to you.

Fish where the fish are! Or in other words, attract customers to your website by being prominently placed where the fish are looking. The two main search engines that the fish use are Google and YouTube. Both are video focused! Google weights video in at 50x the importance of text-only and this means that your message is 50 x more likely to pop up on page 1 results on Google and therefore bring in more viewers/prospects.

You can see that we have started our own YouTube Channel here.

In summary, Corporate Video will deliver more traffic to your website. Professional Corporate Video will also engage your visitors and create more buyers out of those visitors.

The keyword here is “Professional” and so it should be noted now that not all videos will engage your customers. In fact, some videos will turn them away for good!

Have you ever turned a video off?

It’s time to examine the ingredients for a great online video.

Let’s assume that you are a business owner or sales marketer of service or brand. And let’s assume you want Corporate Video that converts lead to sales.

How to create a Corporate Video that converts leads to Sales.

Professionally Produced or Home Made?

Do you remember when people used to invite friends around to watch a slide show of their holiday or have your parents ever told you about their experiences with this? The amateur slideshow night! This was about the meanest thing that people habitually forced their friends to endure.

Well, the thing is…producing your own “Corporate Video” is akin to locking your friends up to watch your holiday slides. It’s awful and it ruins relationships!
Your business reputation is on the line here. Most professional companies have invested carefully in their brand, their website and their Corporate marketing message. And then a guy from HR offers to “Point and Shoot” the Company video on the new Camcorder he just bought Duty-Free in Hong Kong.

Have you seen these videos? They are usually unscripted, they’ve got a grey or greeny miasma tone. The sound is atrocious and they are full of “umms” and “ahhs” because no one knows how to edit them.

These videos are often 10 minutes long even though the only people who will ever endure for this long are the guy in the video and the guy who turns the camera on (and maybe but not always their Mum’s)!

The only difference between this and the friends’ slide show night is that the viewer can turn these videos off! And they do.

YouTube has a great little function under Analytics called Audience Retention, which shows you exactly at what point in a video that viewers turn off. With these amateur productions, it’s usually before the 10-second mark.

Professional Corporate Video requires more skill than point and shoot!

The key ingredients to Professional high conversion video production are:

#1: Pre- Production

No actor or director would ever turn up for shooting a movie without preparation. This phase of professional video production is known as pre-production.
Pre-production consists of scoping to determine the precise purpose and target audience for a video. This is then followed by scripting and or storyboarding. Amateurs so often proclaim: “I don’t need a script, I’ll just wing it”

Winging it nearly always amounts to a finished product that no one but your nearest and dearest will watch.

At HoppingMad we ensure that we scope the purpose of your Corporate Video and we offer professional scripting services so that you will never have to “wing-it”.
The great news is that thorough pre-production results in better quality video. The video that your clients want to watch and video that converts your viewers to customers

#2: Professional Camera

Just because the sales guy in Hong Kong told you that the camcorder shoots in HD (high definition), does this mean that it is a Professional Camera? Your camcorder doesn’t care about mood or the character of the subject in the frame, so it can only ever hope to deliver less than average results. If you want your videos to look like they have been professionally filmed, some of the things you will want in a camera are settings that will help you take control of the environment you are shooting in. Even professional cameras have the Auto mode function, but this will definitely not work in all settings and environments. If a camera setting is on automatic, it will arrange all 4 components (exposure, shutter speed & depth of field and ISO) to the best of its ability, but this may mean that the end result may be too grainy (ie the ISO is too high); the film looks jumpy (shutter speed is too high); there is no depth of field or too much in focus, or it is over or underexposed in certain areas eg. a person in the video is too dark because the camera is balancing for the amount of light coming in a window or door. Understanding how to expose the amount of light in a room; how much depth of field you want in focus; the number of frames per second to shoot at and the ability to saturate colours are all important features a professional camera will allow you to manipulate. A professional camera will also allow you to use different lenses and filters to create more interesting film techniques. At HoppingMad we work with the highly acclaimed Canon 5D Marks II & III Cameras. These phenomenal cameras have beeninline_523_ used to film major movies such as Black Swan.

#3: Professional Camera Operator – cinematic techniques

At Hopping Mad Designs we use professional Camera Operators who do your brand justice.

Understanding how a professional camera works allows for more cinematic techniques. A professional cinematographer will understand all the different elements and techniques in creating an interesting video. These can include techniques such as bridging shots, rack focus, different camera angles, eye-line matching, fade-in, fade-out and Mise-en-scene to name just a few.

Let’s look at the “rack focus” technique. Rack focus is the technique of changing the focus of the lens when filming. For example, when you may be focused on an image in the foreground and the background is blurred, then slowly blur the foreground and focus on the background. It is usually a very subtle technique that gently draws your attention to another person or area of a video that you didn’t know you were being directed to. An interesting video sequence is cut together from shots recorded from various camera angles using a variety of lens sizes. Looking for a variety of camera angles before you start shooting will ensure you can capture what may be an ordinary scene and make it much more interesting.

Understanding how different shutter speeds affect the film quality of a video is a very important part of creating a quality video. Have you noticed that you feel uneasy when watching re-enactments from shows like Australia’s Most Wanted? It’s not just what is happening in the scene that will make you feel uneasy, it is the fact that it is likely to have been filmed using a higher frame rate per second than is pleasant to the eye.

We make understand what frame rate you should be filming at and don’t simply set the camera to automatic, because the last thing you want to do is have people watching your video feel like they are watching a horror movie!

#4: Professional Lighting

Professional lighting is the next important aspect of filming that affects the overall look and feel of a video. If you have noticed the proliferation of amateur videos that pop up every second on YouTube, you will have noticed that many of these are filmed in a dark messy room, either on a camcorder, iPhone or webcam. You will also remember that you probably didn’t give the video much more than 10 seconds to grab your attention.

Setting up lighting for an interview will usually require a 3 point technique: Key Light, Fill Light and Backlighting. The Key Light is the main light on a subject. It is usually placed at a 45-degree angle to the camera. The Fill Light is usually from the side of the subject which will soften shadows and illuminate areas that are not covered by the key light. Backlighting is the main source of light that is behind the subject, which is silhouetting it and is directed toward (but not at) the camera.

This 3 point lighting technique will create mood and interest on the subject’s face, without creating shadows that make the person look tired. If you are thinking of getting testimonial videos to promote your business make sure you capture their enthusiasm forever. The last thing you want is a person raving about you and people not wanting to be engaged by it.

#5: Professional Sound Equipment

Every iPhone, camcorder and professional camera have internal sound recording capabilities, but are these good enough for recording your message? Have you noticed the “tinny” sound that you hear on amateur videos? This is usually because the camera that was used to record the video also recorded the sound using an internal microphone.

Most of the videos that are created for you and your business will be crucially dependant on the quality of the sound that is captured at the time of recording. Whether it is the vital dialogue, key selling point, memorable quote or even just the atmosphere of the occasion, the sound will play an essential part.

The correct microphone is an essential component of shooting a high-quality video. To get a great result for your video you need to plan for your sound carefully before you leave for your location.

If shooting outdoors, the sound may be affected by how windy it is on the day. Microphones will have to have what is referred to as a “dead cat”. A dead cat is a grey fluffy cover for your microphone that reduces wind noise.
Whilst much can be done in post-production to fix up sound recording, at HoppingMad we ensure that you start with a good quality microphone.

#6: Professional Camera Mounting Equipment

A high-quality camera support system can make a positive impact on your videography. Each camera angle should be determined by what works best for the framing of the shot in different scenes. You can manipulate a scene or image by using different heights and angles to create interest. A good quality tripod will have an indicator bubble to show you if the tripod is level.
Other camera mounting equipment also includes a Dolly which is a set of wheels and a platform upon which the camera can be mounted to give it mobility. A dolly shot is a shot that is taken from a moving dolly. A more affordable option however is a Glider which can be mounted on your tripod. Your camera is then mounted to the glider and moved along so that it looks like the camera is moving, without the shakey imagery you would get if you simply walked with the camera in your hand. You can take footage at different levels and angles to create interesting footage that can then be edited in post-production.

#7: Professional Editing

Professional editing ensures that there are continuity and a logical coherence between shots. Editing requires trimming, splicing, cutting and arranging clips across the timeline as well as colour manipulation, titling, visual effects and mixing audio in conjunction with the image. In brief, beautiful editing requires skill and years of training and practice.

The foundation for a good video is that all pieces of the puzzle fit together: pre-production preparation including scripting and storyboarding, using a professional camera and equipment including sound and lighting, and cinematic techniques that create interesting shots that can then be edited to form an interesting video that people want to watch.

If doing it yourself sounds too complicated and you don’t want to tarnish your brand with an inferior video that people simply turn off after 10 seconds, then make sure you give us a call and we can discuss how this can be achieved for you. While it may all sound very complicated for an amateur, at HoppingMad we can make your professional video production seamless!

What CMS platform is right for your next website design project?

What type of CMS platform should my website use?

The best content management systems to use are open-source CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Magento.

At Hopping Mad, we use WordPress all the time for our web design. They are super easy to use, very SEO friendly, and, above all, you are never locked into contracts that some web companies insist on if you use their proprietary CMS platforms.


Questions to ask your web developer about the CMS platform they intend to use:

  • The time and effort needed to add or remove features throughout the website once the site has been launched. Just remember that once you do have the CMS, it is impossible to change CMS once the site has been built, and this means that the choice you make from the beginning will impact your website’s ability to have add-ons in the future.
  • If you are going to have an e-commerce site that will generate enormous amounts of traffic, you will need a CMS that will not crumble under the weight of the traffic. It has to be robust and sturdy enough to facilitate this and allow as many people to shop on the site at one time as possible. Great e-commerce CMS platforms are Magento and WordPress.
  • You obviously want your site to rank on Google, so your CMS needs to allow the ease of use of titles, meta tags, and descriptions. This way, it encourages Google to index your site with each new addition of content, which in turn will help with your online ranking. Most CMSs will allow for this, but double-check with your web programmer the ease at which you can add titles and other SEO goodies. WordPress has a great plugin called All in One SEO, which is super-SEO friendly and will allow you to generate titles and descriptions easily.
  • The CMS should allow you to access the website and add content easily. If you are a business that relies heavily on your site to sell your product or service, you do need a CMS platform that allows you to add this information with a minimum of fuss.
  • Is the CMS secure? WordPress, for example, is an extremely secure platform. However, some in-house-built CMS systems may not have all the security plug-ins, so be warned!
  • Is your website responsive? If not, your CMS should allow your developers to transform your current desktop site into a more mobile-friendly solution.
  • How much do I have to pay you each month for my website to be on your CMS platforms? MAKE SURE YOU ASK THIS ONE! I bet it’s between $20 and $40 per month extra, which is a total waste of your hard-earned money!

Why is WordPress a Great CMS?

  • Being open source means that once the site is built, it can be transferred to almost any web company with a basic understanding of the WordPress CMS Platform. You can even choose a preferred hosting platform for this CMS.
  • There are no monthly maintenance fees, as might be the case with a customised CMS. A good example of this is a company I  know of that charges a hefty monthly fee for using their CMS. They state that this is necessary because of all the add-ons they are making to the CMS, as well as all the security updates and phone support. This is simply not true and is basically a huge rip-off. With WordPress, there are no monthly fees at all. PLUS, most of the security add-ons are totally FREE.
  • WordPress is an awesome eCommerce platform. If you want to sell online, WordPress is one of the best CMS systems around. With easy-to-update modules, you can add/delete products, change prices, and amend content easily.

Please see our FAQs area for more answers regarding web design and CMS platforms.

So, if you are thinking about getting a website for your business, call us today at Hopping Mad Designs. We offer an all-in-one web service that includes search engine optimization and internet marketing as well.

Hotel Web Design Motel Website Designers

Affordable web design for your hotel or motel.

With over 24 years of web design experience, we feel we are the right design agency to deliver a successful website and SEO campaign for your hotel or motel. We know how to make a success of your online presence and take your business to the next level with excellent web design, expert SEO advice and strategy, social media marketing plus and any other sales or marketing material you may require.

Whether you are part of a large multi-national hotel chain, a single boutique hotel, a luxury resort or spa, serviced accommodation, a motel, pub, bed and breakfast, or even Bali villas, Hopping Mad Designs can design, build, and effectively market your hotel’s website with a maximum return on investment.

We offer cost-effective website design solutions and SEO packages that will be fully customised to your brief.

We are passionate about delivering user-friendly websites that are not only functional but are also very stylish.  We are all about creating unique websites that excite and generate interest for the consumer. We look for that point of difference in your hotel and aim to push this online to the consumer. Every website we design and develop has a unique look and personality. This is vital when promoting your hotel online.

SEO for your Hotel or Motel

How will potential guests find you? How will international customers know about your hotel or motel? How do you get your new website ranking on the search engines, especially Google? The answer is simple: it’s called SEO, and we know how to get your website ranked – we have a team of search engine experts that can get you to page 1 of Google way ahead of your competition! We do this ethically and have proven SEO methods that can get your hotel ranked online. We can also manage your social media, in fact we can handle all of your digital marketing which leaves you more time to run your business and look after your guests.

Working with Senior Designers

Suppose you are an independent hotel operator, publican or motel owner. In that case, we understand that you have committed vast amounts of time and energy to your business, so you will only work with senior-level designers at Hopping Mad Designs. Working with us means that you will be getting the best designers and developers that your money can buy – we never outsource our work. Everything we do is done by creative professionals who know what it takes to make your website convert online browsers into paying clients.

Online Booking Systems

We can work with any third-party booking and reservation system and easily integrate these into your website. Alternatively, if you prefer, we can design the interface and build you a booking system from the ground up.

Web Packages to Suit Budgets

We have website packages to suit all budgets. Large or small, it does not matter—we can cater to any size business. We can handle the project no matter how large or small you may have.

Responsive/Mobile Friendly Designs

We can build your website to be mobile and tablet phone friendly—capturing a whole new mobile phone audience with your new website.

If you want to capture a share of the mobile web market, Hopping Mad Designs can convert your website or build you a brand-new mobile website optimized for Tablets, iPhones, iPads, and Androids. It’s a huge market, and we can customize a completely new site just for this purpose.

WordPress, Joomla + Magento CMS Platforms that are easy to use.

All our hotel websites are built around easy-to-use content management systems, giving the hotel operator flexibility when making web amends. We will also provide you with the necessary training to get started, and if you run into any difficulties, we are here to help you anytime.

Plus, our CMS has no lock-in fees or ongoing contracts. You pay once, and then it’s yours! It’s safe and secure and will work hard for your business over the years.

Social Media Marketing for Your Hotel or Motel

We can implement a well-strategised social media campaign to attract and maintain online followers and generate vast amounts of web traffic to your site. Let us create the creative design and content to push your hotel’s brand on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.

This is a great way to market your business, and these new social media platforms are a great way to get any promotions or messages you may have out there quickly and economically for your audience.

If you are ready to take your marketing to the next level, please call the team at Hopping Mad Designs on 02 9360 8514—this could be the best marketing decision ever made.