
How To Create a Thankyou Page That Works

Article Overview

The Thank You page on your website is the page or pop up that your potential customer will see once they have filled out an inquiry form or sent an email, that is a way of showing recognition or appreciation for making the contact with your business. It’s a great way to affirm or acknowledge that you have not only received their contact, but it is really the first step in the sales process if you think about it. It is the very first bit of communication material between you and the client from your business and can make or break the sale. If done properly you are enforcing your brand and taking positive steps with the consumer engagement. Do it wrong and you can botch it up.

You have to be very clear about what you say. Thank them for making the inquiry and let them know the next steps that will be taken in the sales process. If it is an eCommerce site, tell them about delivery dates or timings, if your business offers a service let them know when you will be in touch. It’s these very small details that can make a huge difference to website conversion rates. Remember, these people have gone to the trouble of engaging with you, and buying from your site, so you have to be very aware of what you are send out to these users as a thank you. Effectively, the customer service and consumer nurturing role begins NOW! Make 110% sure that the consumer knows exactly where they stand – never leave them confused or wondering what the next steps are.

Whatever you do, it’s critical to make sure you leave them feeling satisfied and engaged, not confused. The following blog will outline some great tips in creating that perfect thankyou page. A page that will begin the sales process and start to convert what are just browsers and potential clients into full fledged brand loyalist. It’s not hard and doesn’t require too much effort BUT I do suggest that you speak with a graphic design and web agency like hopping mad that can design is up nicely for you and implement it into your website..

What do you want your Thank you Page to do?

People have come to your website and they have made that important inquiry. What’s next? Do you have any outcomes beyond this and what are the goals set for the Thank you page? Yes, you want to thank them for visiting the site and let them know you appreciate their business, but what else do you want? Just cause they have made the inquiry, do you want them to hang around your site, look for other products, do you want them to go to your blog for more information or click on your social media. Ideally, this is a good thing but in most cases they are going to exit the site. They have come for what they are looking for and their business is now concluded.  I personally do not like to inundate with users as soon as they have completed the process with over ‘spammy’ emails as this looks way too sales focused – it will just irritate them. I say best to leave it alone once they have finished with a great thank you message.

6 Thank You Page Content Tips

1) This is a no brainer – you have to say ‘thank you’. A lot of businesses actually forget this. They might tell then that your email is received and that’s about all. This is really impersonal and gets things going on the wrong footing. A big thank you is what is needed here.

2) Be specific about the next steps. Keep it simple and let them know that you will be in touch in the next 24 hours or your delivery will be there within 3 days. If people have spent money on your website, you want them to feel reassured that they will get what they paid for. NEVER LEAVE THEM HANGING or expecting more information.

3) Make sure it’s legible and totally at the top of the page. If it’s a pop up then it’s fine, but if it goes to a separate page within the site, keep it so they do not have to scroll. Any hassles at this stage or extra time needed on the site, will only cause them to exit. Yes, they probably will but you want then to do it with a positive feeling.

4) I think a great idea is to have some links to your social media on this page. Give them 1 last opportunity to like your Facebook page or follow you on Instagram. It’s not too cheesy or over the top but just a gentle reminder for them to get updates on new products or services, they should follow or like you. Simple as that.

5) Don’t waffle on with the content, They have bought from you and do not need to be further sold to. It looks too try hard and may have an adverse affect.

6) Lastly, and this is not content driven BUT relates to the way the page looks – Having the page text heavy with little or no graphic elements will not do it justice. I think it’s much better to make it graphical with your logo or brand. You can take it one step further if you like and have a picture of your team or employees – make it more personal.

All of these are just ideas from my perspective. Obviously, you may like to try a few of your own and do it on a trail and error basis. Perhaps get some feedback from your clients and see what they think. Remember, this is the internet and your website is dynamic. You can change it when ever you like and customise your thankyou page based on you what ever you like. Never have a set and forget attitude as this may make your website a bit stale. Like all things online it needs to evolve and change depending on what it current and popular.

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