1) Your Website Should Have Purpose. You should write down very clearly all the goals that you want your website to achieve: is it to be a sales tool or used as an information portal, is it to be an ecommerce website or a site whose goal is to showcase your work. Set your intention of the website and stay on path.

2) Your Web Audience – who is it? Make certain that you do a lot of research on who your online target market is. Know exactly who they are and what will drive them to make an online inquiry with your company. Basically, what triggers them to make a buying decision. Are they shopping around looking for a bargain, or are they on your site to get information. Give them what they want and make it easy for them to find it. Never hide or make important sales features difficult to find. This is especially true if it is an ecommerce website.

3) Have a Very Strong Offer. Do a website audit and look really hard at all special offers on your website. What is your ( USP) unique selling point? Play on this and sell this to your clients. Do not ever be afraid to boast about these points of difference. People online are very quick to judge a website, so make your position clear on the home page. If you are selling products on your website, put your best product line on the home page, or have a sales/specials ' hot box' that will stand out and promote an offer.

4) Make Web Navigation as Easy as Possible. A huge part of your web usability, is allowing customers to easily browse and navigate their way around the website. There should be no dead ends and users should be funnelled down the site to the check out or inquiry page. This should a maximum of two steps from the home page so users do not get overly confused or lost.

5) Be Better than your Competition. Look at what your competition does and try to do better. A web company like hopping mad designs will be able to make sure that all your internal pages throughout your site look much better than your competition

6) Consider what extra features you want the site to have. Extra cool new features such as responsive web design or parallax website design can really add so much more online appeal.


We can help you make your new website look fabulous CALL 02 9360 8514.




If you are an existing architectural firm and have decided that your current site, whilst it may have looked great in the 90’s is now in need of a serious revamp, then you should consider the following points:

– ask your web designer if they are able to design a site that is just a bit different to the same old web format that has been done to death for the past 15 years. See if they can think outside the box a bit and design your firm a site that is reflective of your architectural style, image and brand. Don’t settle for ‘same as’ design style. Try to push them just that bit more to get something exciting created for you.

– Most architects in the past have relied heavily on their previous work and reputation to drive business. This is something that should be addressed. As times get tougher and clients become more scares, you should be looking at getting a website that is designed to drive new business inquiries and traffic. There are simple ways and techniques to do this and this should be brought up with your web design team.

– If you only get 2 things done for your website then make sure that you get professional photography done as well as have a professional copy writer look at your content or web copy. You property images will do the selling and the copy will compliment this. Awesome looking photos your work will make all the difference. Poorly taken photos will reflect badly on you and your firm. Going that extra mile will be rewarded when all those new business leads start coming in. Plus, well worded copy will help your landing web pages rank better on the search engines. Both are easy to do and it’s a huge win win for the client and for your architecture firm.

– Make sure that your new site is mobile phone and tablet friendly. You certainly do not want to be missing out on this huge new emerging market. The technology known as responsive web design; to automatically resize your website to the various screen sizes is now easier to implement and is something to consider for your new web site.

– Just because you might be a well known architect, users searching for services online, if they cannot find your website, will most likely not approach you. Don’t be fooled by the power and effectiveness of the online search market and your website should be seriously geared towards this. If the phone is not ringing and new business leads are drying up, then there is a simple solution and its called SEO.

If you are a new architectural firm starting out and looking to get an online presence BUT do not have a strong portfolio then you need to:

– get a website that really has ‘wow factor’ – let the design of the website and perhaps your new branding show the online world that whilst you are a new start up, you are cutting edge, pro active and perhaps just that bit different. Consumers are always looking for that next thing and I see no reason why this cannot be the same in the architecture space.

– If you havn’t got many case studies perhaps focus on the staff and play on their past experience, work history and enthusiasm for the job. People might just give you a go if they can see that you are keen and want the work.

– Be honest and open in your online positioning. Sure, try and make your website look as though it is punching above its weight but be sincere in your content and truthful about your experience. Clients will appreciate your honesty and you will feel more confident in the sales pitch.


A good idea is to work with a web company that has an understanding of the architectural industry and has worked on some industry specific websites in the past. Go online and look at their portfolio before making any decisions. If you feel that it’s the right fit, then it’s always a good idea to meet with them to go over a full design brief.

Also, a bad idea is to use the services of web company that is offering cheap packages. I completely understand the temptation to go with a firm that is prepared to cut costs, but you really need to ask yourself what are they sacrificing to meet the price. A cheap site now may seem like a great idea but may end up costing you more money in the future. Due to the sheer volume of web designers, prices have been dramatically cut. Yes, look for a good deal, but never ever go with web studios that are basically giving their services away.

After all, making the right impression online is what counts and I’m 100 % sure that only web design Sydney companies like Hopping Mad Designs will be able to help your architecture firm achieve this.

Marketing Ideas For Real Estate Agents

As part of your marketing strategy you have to get yourself a domain name. If you name is John Smith, and you work in the Bondi area for example, then you need to get a URL or domain name like: www.johnsmithrealestateagentbondi.com.au.
You might think that this sounds too long but if people are searching on Google for real estate estate agents in Bondi then because this suburb is in the URL then it will byt the very nature of the way search engines work, rank higher. In fact, you should be looking at as many suburbs as you can get with your name and register them all. This way you will come up when people are searching for Bondi, Double Bay or even Edgecliff. This is a nifty trick and may mean that you are able to dominate these suburbs online when vendors are looking for an agent in that area. Of course you will need to speak with a company like Hopping Mad Designs to help you build some authority into these domain names ( called search engine optimisation or SEO), but this can be fully explained when we meet. Buying a domain name is very inexpensive, you can pick one up for around $10, so don’t be shy when it comes to getting as many names as you can. Even if you do not use them you can at least stop some one else from getting them. A point to note. If you can register a domain name that is very clean and to the point, like www.realestateagentsbondi.com.au OR www.realestateagentdoublebay.com.au then my advice is to grab them asap!


This step is vital to the success or failure of your online digital marketing strategy. Try to find a web design company that can at least design you a half decent looking site. Try not to be tempted by cheaper web studios offering $399 template design packages as you will end up looking like every other site out there. Remember, vendors are selling their most precious asset and if your site stands out and has as they say that ‘wow factor’ then the chances are there that you will get the invite to inspect their property once they land on your site. Again, I have to stress here, align yourself with a web agency that has an all round design experience, with a very strong and varied design portfolio. Don’t just look go with an agency that specialises in real estate sites as the aim here is to have a strong point of difference. Most web studios or marketing agencies will be happy to show you their portfolio of work and will have this on their website. Do your homework. Google the words/phrases: ‘ web design’ or ‘marketing strategies for real estate agents’ and see if you can find and web companies you like the look of. Once you have narrowed it down to a few, go and meet with them and try to get a vibe to see if you can work with them or not. A VERY IMPORTANT point to take on board here, is that you should see if the agency has a strong SEO team on board. yes they may be able to design you a site, but will they be able to rank it for you? If they don’t have this combination then you need to continue your search.
If you go online and look for say ‘web designers sydney’, you will note that there are paid ads ( on the right hand side of the screen and at the very top 3 listing on the page – with a slight yellow shaded background), avoid these. Only look at companies that are organically ranked. That is, the other 10 listings on the page. The rationale behind this is that you want to use a web company that has been able to rank it’s own website and not rely on paid ads. This is because that if they can rank their own site through SEO ( in an extremely competitive area), then they will be able to get your website high up on the rankings.

To get a good idea of what a credible website deisgn companies portfolio looks like, have a look at the Hopping mad web portfolio.

As you are reading this I can hear you say that our company already has a website and we place our listings on there. WRONG!. Yes the real estate agency you work for might have a website BUT YOU DO NOT PERSONALLY HAVE ONE. The point here is that you need to build an individual online presence that will promote you and not your agency. What happens if you leave this agency and move elsewhere? If you have your own website with your past track record you can easily amend a few details and move on. Basically, you own the intellectual property of your website and no one can take this away from you.

IF YOU ARE THE OWNER OF A REAL ESTATE AGENCY AND WHAT TO GET MORE EXPOSURE, then you also need to look at all the points above and have your website designed and optimised by a web company that’s done this all before. If sales are down and listings are few and far between then you really need to look at other new avenues to start pushing your business and the best way to do this is now online. Vendors are now going online in increasing numbers to search for their real estate agent and if you are not there then you will loose that listing.The smarter more cutting edge and progressive real estate agent are starting to get on board with this and if you think that you can just bury you head if the sand then you might as well lock up shop. This is here to stay, and as a marketing medium and tool will only become more common place. If you are reading this article and you are even remotely interested I cannot urge you enough to pick up that phone and call us at Hopping Mad Designs. We can show you how easy, simple, and quick this can be, all at rates that are going to make the exercise very worthwhile for you.

The bigger players ( and I cant mention names) are already looking at their online marketing strategies and the last thing you want to be doing is scratching your head and wondering why these real estate agents are always at the forefront of innovation. I am telling you WHAT THEY DO and I can show you how they are doing it and how this will be one of your most powerful marketing tools. Please note I am not trying to sell you something here. All I am trying to do is to illuminate to you what’s going to happen in the online world and help your real estate business be part of this. The choice is ultimately up to you.

I can say this with authority because I used to work in the real estate industry about 25 years ago and found that getting a listing was very difficult. As one of the directors of a web design studio now some 25 years later, I can show you that tactics I use to generate leads for my business. Yes we are in 2 separate industries, BUT THE FUNDAMENTALS REMAIN THE SAME and will only get closer as the internet becomes more intertwined with our daily lives. Please give me a call on 02 9360 8514 or email me steven@hoppingmad.com.au and I will be more than happy to explain this whole process to you.


Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, should be your best friend. If you think they are just for your kids or only used by teenagers, then you better get those kind of thoughts out of your head. As a real estate agent, you need to be on these platforms and start generating followers. Once you have a few hundred of them, you will need to start communicating with them about who you are and what listings you have. People are interested in these kind of things and if you are actively engaging with people on these platforms then you are going to be doing the right things by your business.
This is a very new area and its probably best that I do not overwhelm you with too much information here, but needless to say, YOU SHOULD CREATE ( and I mean immediately) at least a Facebook page, Twitter account and LinkedIn profile. Once all this has been done ( if it’s too hard to do don’t worry we will do this for you), come on in and we can go over a social media marketing strategy and campaign for your agency.

Most old school real estate agents have never even thought of these social media platforms so if you want to stay one step ahead of the game then the opportunities are very much available for you. If you are in your 20/30/40’s you might already be active on Facebook or LinkedIn etc etc but the point here is are you using this effectively to actively market yourself. You might have been engaging in these social media environments on a social level, and while that is a great start, you need to look at how you are doing this and what you are saying. It’s basically time to step up and now that if you are serious about your real estate career then you need a professional company working with you to manage your social media profile.


This is a no brainer. The world has gone mobile and you need to ( once you have had your personal or agency website designed) get your head around the differences between mobile phone websites. There are basically 2 styles of mobile sites:

you main website that is viewable on a mobile site – difficult to navigate and users well as hard to find listings that you have.

A fully customised mobile phone website that is totally user friendly for the iphone, ipad and android market – this can just be a very basic site with your name, a single button that takes you to your listings and a contact icon. Overall this is a 3 page website that will give mobile phone users easy access to your details, your properties and a call to action button to contact you. This is the preferred option and should really be considered as a vital component of your marketing strategy in the next 12 months. Again, ignoring this will just give your competition the edge it needs to push you and your real estate agency that much more to the sidelines into obscurity.

Mobile phone website are easy to do and really quite inexpensive, so before you roll your eyes and think about those costs, please give us a call so we can show you just how simple and easy this whole process can be.


What ever you are going to publish or write online from this day forward needs to be inspiring, entertaining, interesting, informative and to the point. This means you may ned to engage the services of a copy writer who can write 2 or 3 killer articles for you to publish online ( on your blog, Facebook page or newsletter), that will keep your online visitors and followers wanting more and just that bit more curious about you or your real estate agency. If the articles are interesting enough, they will be forwarded on to other people, generating real interest in what you have to say. As a real estate agent, YOU WANT this kind of exposure and you want people to be interested in what you have to say. The more they read and the more they like your articles the more chance you have of getting that phone call to sell a property. It’s a simple as that. You should note that like with everything, online success does not happen over night. It is a gradual process and takes time. You have to be very consistent in your marketing approach and strategy, but I can swear to you the payback will be huge as you grow your online digital footprint.


You have probably heard the word blog and are more than likely to have read a few in your life, but are you fully aware of the power that blogging can have and how it can really increase your exposure online. If you are reading this blog article then what I have done is written an informative piece about marketing strategies and help for real estate agents which will lead to real estate agents inquiring about our services and how we are able to help them. This is what blogging can do for you. It’s a huge weapon in your real estate marketing arsenal and should be used weekly. Once you start blogging about everything relevant in the real estate world, online users who stumble across your article, if well written, will more than likely use your services or recommend you when wanting an agent. As stated previously, the content has to be professionally written if it is going to work for you. At Hopping Mad Mad Designs we have a team of very experienced copy writers that will be able to give your blog that professional edge and make you look like a superstar online.

OK, if you have read this blog and are excited and motivated about all these new marketing possibilities mentioned then you are making very positive steps to becoming an online leader in the real estate industry. Even by implementing just one of the points mentioned above, will see your name and agency getting heaps more exposure to new markets and therefore more potential new clients.

Common Website Design Mistakes that Business Owners Can Avoid

a) Web design need not be overly complicated.

A little bit of planning, strategy, forward thinking, will give your site the edge it needs to convert the user into a customer. If you want to stay ahead of your competition you will need to pay close attention to the site during the initial design phase and work very closely with your web/graphic design team. Even when the site is completed and as time moves on, you will need to be constantly looking at the site for ways of improving it’s look, site conversion rate and as new technologies become available, any new add-ons that will be beneficial to it’s performance. One of the most common web mistakes is to have a set and forget approach.

Many business owners will have a site designed but will never look at making amends or upgrades for many years. They tend to ignore that fact that their site is a powerful marketing tool and prefer to focus their energies on other more traditional marketing streams that they are used to such as print and radio. It is not because they do not want to work on their site, but it just that business owners are not willing to invest the time and money necessary to make their website an online success. In many circumstances, they are afraid of emerging technologies and are fearful of the costs involved with the implementation of these platforms, which is a grave mistake. Often the case, these new site amends and additions are very easy to do and can be a very cost effective way of getting your brand to market.

b) Going with the wrong design team.

This is a huge area and I am often approached by companies and businesses who have gone down this path and are looking for us to help them out. Basically, what has happened is that they have:
– used a friend of a friend who just bought a Mac, who is now overseas and can not be contacted.
– gone with a company that can design them a website for $399 and the site looks nothing like they thought it would.
– tried to do it themselves because they read about it online and thought that it would be real easy to do.
– saw somewhere that if they downloaded a free template then that is all that was required. A big mistake for those businesses that want to use their website as a sales tool

I have heard and seen all of the above and can only say that to avoid these common web design mistakes is simple and easy. All you need to do is call a company like Hopping Mad Designs as we can take care of everything. We are able to help you avoid all those design traps and produce a site for you that you can be sure will work.

c) As designers we are trained professionals and know what’s best for your business.

We do this all the time and we figure that we have a better idea of what will work for your business online than you might have. So a big mistake is when you tell us about the exact design direction that you would like us to go in. Ideally, you should be able to let go and allow us, the web experts the creative freedom to come up with designs that we feel are more in line with your business and target audience. By restricting us and confining our design talents you re not doing yourselves any favours. Whats best, is for you to come in for an initial discussion about your business, and then leave us to do our job. More often that not, most clients we design for are very impressed by what we can come up with. Remember, you are paying us for this and its best to give us the brief and then leave us to what we do best; and that is design! Sure you can let us know about color likes/dislikes, typography preferences, some sites you have seen in the past that you think are nice, but that should be the level of your involvement during the initial design stages.

d) Don’t expect a website that will be designed purely on what you think is good and what it should look like.

If you are a business owner or have an ecommerce site you need a web presence that is functional and will sell to the consumers at large. Unless you are a artist, the site is NOT about you or your portfolio of work. It is about what the end user, that is the consumer, expects to see of you and the information they want to get off the site. Your website needs to clearly convey your businesses story very quickly, and if it doesn’t users will exit your page. This should not be about ego or all about you. A very common mistake is to forget about this and ignore what is important and that is the actual product or service provided.

e) A HUGE area of neglect is web promotion.

People come to us and get their site designed and expect the sales to start streaming in through the front door. Well this is not going to happen and you will find that the uphill road to online success littered with businesses who have gone bust because they are unwilling to part with marketing dollars to get their site ranked on the search engines. I am always amazed when clients come in and tell me that they have just invested a huge amount of money in a new piece of machinery and roll their eyes when I tell them the cost of online marketing. They have bought the equipment and want the new website to showcase it but are unwilling to pay so that the website gets traffic. Websites need promotion and the best way of doing this is through SEO – make sure you speak to us about how we can implement a SEO campaign to push your web rankings on Google much higher.

f) Responsive web design – Mobile Friendly Website

Is your website viewable on all screen sizes? Is it responsive as thi9s will have a massive impacy on the user experince and eventually if they end up buying from you. A big mistake for many companies is to ignore this and not cater to the mobile market.


Web Design Psychology: what the public expects to see.
The internet is so crowded and with the public are becoming more and more overwhelmed with information it is a good idea to know what they want to see and the psychology behind this before you go to that first meeting with your designer.

It is probably wise to get an idea about how colours and what are going to be the best for your audience. For example, if you are a law firm, bright pinks and oranges are not going to work. Conversely, if you are an art gallery you may like to think about brighter colours. The same can also apply to the use of typography. You should know how different fonts can elicit varying emotions in people and trigger buying decisions. Strong use of colour combined with large font size are more likely to appear on ecommerce site, whilst softer, more subtle tones with, lower case fonts are used within the corporate world.

Too many fingers in the pie
I have been at meetings throughout my time and seen a design by committee approach. This is a recipe for disaster as each person brings their own bit of advice and opinion to the design table. Even worse, I have seen company bosses bring a newly hired young gun to web briefing meeting, who, keen to make an impression, will stamp their thoughts on what the site should look like. Just because they have thousands of friends on Facebook and are on Twitter all the time, does not mean they know what they are talking about when it comes to web design. Leave them back at the office and DO NOT involve them at all during the design phase.
The project should be headed up by one person, who will be the point of contact. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians will lead to the site looking very mismatched and off brief. On top of this the site will end up costing you more, with budget blow outs due to all the design iterations, meetings and changes.

Analysis Paralysis.
This is a common mistake when a person is afraid to commit to making a design decision. They need to get the advice of friends, family, work colleagues and even then they are unable to give the green light to go ahead. Websites can take any months to get design approval and in some cases just don’t go ahead. People get scared and do t have sufficient faith and trust in their designer to give the go ahead. Believe it or not, this is a very common web design mistake and happens all the time. What you need to do is take a step back and take that leap of faith that you are in fact doing the right thing and making the correct decision. Stop deliberating and get the website live. Once there you can see what is working and what isn’t and from that point onwards you can make amends to the site that are going to bring in more business. The point here is stop thinking about it and just do it. What ever happens to your website, can be fixed, amended or updated. Over analysis of the site will result in delays, giving your competitors the time needed to secure more clients.

Custom Website Design for StartUp or Small Business

If you are looking for the right web company to design and build your website then Hopping Mad Designs is the best chocie.

CALL  02 9360 8514 for a no obligation chat about how we can get your business online NOW.


Small Business Web Design By Hopping Mad.

Getting all the right pieces of the website jigsaw puzzle to fit together nicely, is the job of a professional web design team. If you think it is just a matter of throwing a few images together and coding it up then you are completely wrong. For a website to work effectively you now need all variables such as: content, site graphics and speed, site architecture, usability and programming to all work in a cohesive well thought and planned out manner if it is going to work and bring your business.


Web Copywriting for Business Start-Ups

Having professionally written content for your website is a critical component of your website. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, if you want web users to stay on your site, the content must be easy to read and informative. Secondly, if you want your website to rank on Google,  your content must be relevant, on topic and unique. The search engines, especially Google love to index new content – hence well worded content will do wonders for your SEO ranking.

Most start up businesses have little or no clue how to write web and SEO friendly content so this process, if you want it done correctly, must be handled by experts that know what it takes to keep users on the site as well as satisfying the stringent criteria set out by the search engines. At Hopping Mad Designs we know that we have the best web copywriters on board.


Graphic Design for Small Business Websites.

Internet users are actually quite savvy when it comes to doing their online research. When searching for a product or service they may spend hours online looking for that right fit.

Most people will use Google to narrow down the search field and conduct their research based on say 10-20 companies or businesses they have found. If your business has any hope of making an initial impression and standing out then it must have web graphics that are eye catching.

A great example of this is the Hopping Mad home page. You can see that we have created a combination of very striking images, combined with text that really grabs the users attention. This is managed through a carousel or rotating graphics that sell our message in a clever fashion that actually means something. We have also played on our name ‘hopping mad’ by incorporating a hopping mad frog image. People ring us up and say: love your home page and they always, even after many years remember and refer to the frog.

Having a web studio with a strong focus and background in graphic design is the key to website success.


Small Business Search Engine Optimisation.

There is no point in having a web site if no one is able to find you online. If you are going to go to the trouble of getting a website designed, then you also need to drive traffic through to the site.

This is known as search engine optimisation or SEO. SEO is the processes and techniques employed to get a site ranking ( preferably on page 1) on the search engines. There are many different ways to get a site ranked and these vary from company to company and the trick for small business owners and start ups is to find a SEO company that will do the best possible job for your business, using the best SEO practices.


When is Comes to SEO: Be Careful

There are a few tell tale signs of these kinds of dodgy businesses and possibly the easiest way to tell them apart is by looking at the following few points:

They promise extremely quick results they may be using bad SEO practices to achieve this, but the quicker you rise, the quicker you fall. SEO takes time and proper, credible rankings can only be achieved and maintained through solid, long term strategies. Quick fixes never work and only result in big issues for your website when you get found out.

SEO takes time and human resources and therefore like any professional this must be paid for. Cheap SEO packages, will mean that your work is outsourced to third world countries where the work carried out on your online strategy will be handled by a group of amateurs who are unsupervised and may not comply to the rigorous Australian web + SEO standards.

They try to lock you in to a contract for a lengthy period of time with no option of breaking this contract. This means that what ever they do and what ever work they carry out, you have no option of escape. They could be doing a really bad job, and doing damage to your brand and online marketing with no option of escape. Look for companies that are prepared to work on your SEO on a month by month basis with no lock in long term contracts.

Engaging the services of a professional group of SEO experts like Hopping Mad Designs means that you can be rest easy that we will rank your website using tried and proven tactics.


At Hopping Mad we feel that we have the best in the business working with us and this is just great news for small businesses and start ups looking to drive more visitors to their site.


Easy to Use WordPress Content Management Systems.

Businesses are dynamic and always changing. People come and go, products change, services and divisions are added, whilst internal company news is constantly evolving. To keep your customers up to speed on these changes you want to be able to have access to your website and make these updates when ever you feel like. For this reason, Hopping Mad will develop your new website around a very robust content management system, allowing you easy access into he back end to make site wide amends and changes.


One important note to make is that Google now looks to web content when ranking sites. If the algorithm detects that your site is constantly being updated with new copy that is topic specific, you will find that you web ranking will skyrocket.
Once you start seeing your articles appear in the search results you will see the value in having a CMS.


Domain Name Registration, Web Hosting and Email Set-up


Hopping Mad Designs can help you with choosing your domain name or URL as well as the web hosting and email set-up.
Choosing a domain name for your business is now a fundamental component is getting your site ranked and for this reason you do need a company that knows SEO to help you out with this.

In regards to web hosting, Hopping Mad offers a local web hosting that is speedy, secure and 99.99 % reliable. Our servers are all securely located in Sydney with regular system updates and security patches added. Our hosting allows for up to 1GB of diskspace per month which is ample for any small business. We also allow up o 10GB of storage per mailbox which again is more than enough for start ups.

We can even set up emails that match your business name and spread these over different departments within your company e.g sales@ or marketing@.


Super Friendly Staff

Working on a new website can be some what intimidating and overwhelming process for some people. They might never have been into a design studio and a little unsure about how to deliver a design brief. On top of this they are also unable to clearly define or articulate exactly what they are after design wise. T

As design industry veterans Hopping Mad knows how hard this can be for the average person, this is why we encourage a face to face meeting where we can site down in our office, in a very relaxed environment and go over the whole web process. Plus we can also explain clearly to you the very many online marketing options available for your start up.

Our down to earth, friendly manner means that we are able to get the best possible design brief from you and deliver superior designs all at very small business start up rates.


Mobile Website for Small Business

We are able to design and build your website so that it can be viewed on all hand held devices. This is called responsive web design and is now possible for your small business.


If you are a start up or a small business looking to get your first website then why not give us a call on 02 9360 8514.