1. Cost effective and simple
Email marketing campaigns are simple and a very cost effective alternative to what used to be considered traditional marketing. If you have a email blasting system set up like mail chimp you can send marketing emails out daily. Get your graphic designer to set up a template for you that can be used frequently. All you need to do is copy, paste and press the send button. Think about the alternative of getting flyers printed. The cost involved with this compared to an email campaign is prohibitive.
Sure emails get trashed and lost in the spam filers but this is a numbers game and overtime if your emails are worth reading and have something to offer, you will gather a larger online audience.
2. Website traffic with repeat customers
Emails campaigns are a great way to alert your client base about a new product or service, It keeps them up to speed about your company and if people want to know more they will go to your website. In crease web traffic may mean more business. Plus a email campaign keeps your business front of mind for your audience. They may not want anything now, but in the future if something interests them, then your email may just trigger that buy button.
If customers like your emails and are receiving them on a regular basis, then this becomes a habit, almost part of their daily work routine, in some cases a welcome break. This fosters an environment of consumer loyalty and repeat business.
You may think that this is an invasion of people’s privacy but your email campaign should always provide the user with the option of unsubscribing from the emails. Remember they must have filled out a form to receive these emails on your website so it is perfectly legitimate for them to be receiving these.
3. Will Add Credibility
Having established services that specialise in email campaigns like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor will add credibility to your email campaigns. Going through a service like these will ensure that your emails (in most cases) can get through to the intended email address and will not go into the spam folder. Dodgy email campaigns can be seen a mile away, but if yours looks professional it will add so much more to the end result.
Another pint to note is that if the email campaign has been professionally designed, the take up rate will be a lot more than if it has been cobbled together in an unprofessional manner. Spending the time to do it right at the beginning will pay huge dividends for your business.
Professionally designed email campaigns that ensure your branding is consistent will mean that your business message does not become diluted. Maintaining a harmonious look and feel throughout all your marketing material will ensure brand credibility.
4. Say Something Worthwhile
If you are going to be communicating with your customer base on a regular basis, make sure what you say is worthwhile. Keep it interesting and informative and make sure that you are offering something. Entice users to keep reading with content that has been written for your customer and not for yourself. If you get stuck with what to write, try using a copywriter. Never repeat or bore your clients with drab or uninspiring copy.
5. Use Infographics or Images Plus Social Media.
Getting your message across to time poor internet users is what counts in the email campaign world. Text heavy pages with little or no break in the copy is not going to work. Try to add graphics such as infographics to highlight a point or get a message across quickly. Don’t overkill on the infographics and keep the message short and simple.
Your email campaign should not be confined to emails only. Tie it into your Facebook or Twitter pages. Let your followers know about your campaign and make it easy for then to re tweet or forward this onto their friends. The power that these social media marketing platforms can have on your email campaigns can be huge. If what you have to say has merit then the social platforms will do wonders for your campaign reach.