Following are some great ideas to help you start writing better blogs that your clients, customers and blog followers will absolutely love.
Why Do Google love bloggers?
Writing blog articles can be an extremely difficult task and to add to that making Google love and rank your blog is even harder!
One of the best things that you can do for your website is to publish a blog post. This is because blogging is great for your search engine optimisation, web traffic and establishing your business as an authority in its field.
Why is Blogging Great for SEO?
A blog makes your website larger by increasing the number of pages. Each individual page is able to target a set of what is termed ‘ long tail keywords’. The more and varied blog posts you can write, the more keywords can be targeted. And this will ultimately lead to more web traffic. Ideally, you can write a blog and have it ranking within a couple of weeks. Google absolutely loves new content, and blog writing is the best way to get Google to keep coming back and indexing your website. The more you can dominate your niche with great, informative copy the more people will have eyeballs on your website and in turn more web traffic. It’s a simple rule; create copy and generate traffic.
A must for all blog posts is to have a set of social media links somewhere on the page. The idea is that people who read your post are able to share it with friends, the family who might also find it interesting. It may be as simple as a blog post about a recent cooking recipe but if it is shared and ‘liked’ on the social media platforms, then this will also result in Google loving the blog.
Can Bloggers Forget About Google?
Some businesses that blog strictly for SEO purposes are happy enough to just have their article rank and are not concerned about what the audience thinks. As long as they are up there, then that’s good enough. Well this might be fine for some people but for me and I’m sure many more out there, this is not what blogging is about. Blogging should be more about entertaining and informing your audience, even spicing their day up with juicy articles that make for good reading. That is what it is all about and if you write for your audience, you will be rewarded.
10 Tips For Writing Blog Content That Your Customers Will Love.
1) Who is your reader and write accordingly.
Write for your specific audience – cater to their needs and write blogs that will interest them. Try to avoid being over generic. Covering all industries and sectors in 1 article will alienate your readers.
2) Understand your market.
Write at their level. Just because you may be an authority in your field, does not mean you have to be over professional or condescending in your tone. Try to keep it light if the occasion calls for it. On the other hand, if you need to be technical in your writing style, then do so. But make sure that this one blog is for that particular segment of your audience. HubSpot tells us to k
3) Kill them with kindness.
Be certain to address all your audience concerns or questions they may have. Be sure to answer to the best of your ability and if unclear, refer them to another site. Whether it’s money, finance, health, well being, housing or travel, make sure that the interaction you have with your readers is open and honest and overly polite – they will remember you and pass your details on. This is a great way to foster, nurture and grow a new client base.
4) Invigorate your posts.
Keep your blog posts upbeat and engaging. If it starts to get boring, and you feel like you are losing interest, have a break and continue writing later. Maybe add a video in the blog to keep people on the page, more informed and more excited about the topic.
5) Keep the language simple.
Obviously, this will help users read the blog. Overcomplicated grammar will just annoy the user.
6) Don’t forget about headings and subheadings. Users like to browse the post and skip to points of interest. Make their reading experience easier with bold headings combined with bullet points that allow for easy scanning.
7) Be topic-specific.
Each heading should be about 1 subject. Never deviate from this or merge topics within a bold heading.
8) Use links on your blog.
Link internally to other relevant blog articles ( and in this case write effective SEO blog articles ) you may have written, or link to external pieces of interest.
9) Think about writing amazing, eye-catching headlines.
This will encourage sharing, more reading and like all good blog posts, a better ranking on Google. For SEO purposes, think about having your main targeted keywords in:
– Two to three sub-headlines;
– In your opening statement plus every one to two hundred words. However never overkill this part of the blog, even though it may be very tempting. You want your blog to sound natural, not sterile and clinical. Your readers will soon pick up on keyword stuffing for SEO purposes and abandon you very quickly. Optinmonster tells us that Your headline will determine whether or not someone reads your blog post, becomes a subscriber, or purchases your product. That’s why you need to put a significant amount of focus on crafting better headlines.
10) If you are passionate and knowledgeable about a topic, then go for it.
Write from the heart and not for the search engines.
If you write for your audience will that blog post be SEO friendly?
In simple terms, the answer is a definite yes!
A blog post written for your audience will always be SEO friendly and if you follow the above 10 points, you will be well on your way to getting your post ranked and hopefully more potential customers.