
Tips For Writing Better Mobile Content

Article Overview

With mobile phone pick up rates in Australia among the highest in the developed world, you will find that consumers are searching for information and content on their handhelds more and more. In fact statistics released by the Australian Government show that 85% of mobile users prefer websites that are responsive and easily viewable on their handsets – basically its three times as hard to read content on a mobile phone than on a desktop. This presents a huge issue for the way you display content on your mobile website.


Following are ways you can look at to improve the users experience on your website.

1. You must have a responsive web layout
Responsive design will automatically resize the content on the screen so it is viewable on all phones and tablets. Most of our websites are built using a WordPress CMS, which is great for responsive plug-ins. You can see the difference immediately and just wait till all those mobile customers start ringing!

2. Be precise
If you are going to write content for your mobile, avoid text heavy long pages. Simplicity is the key here. Points need to be easily read and on subject.

3. Use a lot of spacing
Real estate on the iphone and smart phones are very limited – if you have to use links, ensure there is enough space to tap and go. Clunky use of space will result in a poorer user experience and overall reduction in inquiries.

4. Remember SEO
If you want more business your website must be found online – this includes getting found when people are looking to make a purchase on their mobiles. Don’t forget about writing SEO friendly copy. Include important keywords and page titles and if you are targeting a specific suburb, make sure you add these in the content.

5. Don’t go colour crazy

Colours should be kept to a minimum – 2 to 3 colours are recommended, but if you are thinking about a rainbow style interface then this will affect the end experience.

6. Skimming is essential
The user must be able to skim over the content and make a decision – if there is a necessity for secondary boxes of content, try to avoid these. The better option is to guide them through to a second page. You only have few seconds to capture users attention. I know when I am on my iphone, if I run into any hurdles or issues with the site I will simply look elsewhere. There are far too many options and choices to be stuck on one website that’s not performing well.

By sticking to these above points you’ll make your mobile content easier to read, making for much much happier customers!

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